F.Y.I. The Newsletter of Edgewood Townehouse Association
PO Box 5424, Eugene, OR 97405

September 2015

Next Regular Board Meeting: October 13, 2015, 6.30pm

Next HOA Quarter  Meeting: Tuesday October 27, 2015, 7 PM

(Notices of any special board meetings are posted in the Clubhouse 3 days before date of meeting per ByLaws)

By-The-Brook Book Group: Wednesday October 13, 2PM

Tuesday Afternoon Teatime:Tuesday October 20, at 3 PM

Message from the HOA Board

Board Business Meeting Minutes September 2015


Facilities Report
Monthly Banking Activities (Omitted)

Nomination Form for Election of Board of Directors

Editor: Vera Entwistle


Summer season just began, and now it’s over.  The past few months of summer have been a whirlwind of activity, and now autumn is beginning to lumber down upon us.  There are two business matters I want to bring to your attention this month.  One matter regards protocol in the management of our not-for-profit Association.  The other matter regards privacy and solicitation on our property.

First, one important cycle in our management of the Association is before us again.  Each year, three of our nine members of the Board of Directors complete their terms of service on the Board.  Our Association must elect, or re-elect, three new members or the incumbents to serve a three-year term of service on the Board.  If you have an interest in serving on the Board of Directors, please complete and return the enclosed application to the mail slot at the Clubhouse or mail it to our Post Office Box.  All applications must be received on or before Friday, October 23, 2015, to be included on the ballot.  The election and/or re-election will be held at our Annual Meeting held on Tuesday, October 27, 2015 at the Clubhouse starting at
7 PM.

This could be a great opportunity to serve your Association and neighbors.  The duties and responsibilities of Board members are highlighted in the insert of the month's FYI on the attached application form. 

The second matter regards privacy.  Recently, solicitors have entered onto our property to distribute information and engage homeowners in conversations about their products and/or services.  Ensuring the privacy of our residents is very important to us.  It is also one of the reasons homeowners decide to reside at Edgewood.  There are seven notices posted at each of our pedestrian entrances, Brea Burn and Brookside driveways, as well as our entrance on Westbrook Way that notifies non-guests that solicitation of any kind is not permitted on our property. 

If you are contacted by any person, or persons, soliciting door-to-door, please notify them of our "no solicitation" policy, and then contact Bruce Trafton (541.485-6102) or Frank Gaddini (541.915-2524) as soon as possible.  Bruce, and/or Frank, will address the solicitors on behalf of the Association's members.

The last matter I want to address is about the impending change in the weather.  With colder weather before us you may want to think about draining your hoses and putting protective covers over your exterior faucets.  It is also a good idea to clean up your patio areas of summer's old plants.  Soon leaves will begin to fall, and if you have a large tree in your patio, this may be an opportunity to prune it or maybe even remove it completely.  If you have wood or plant material that you want to dispose, you may place those items in the large green wood-only dumpster in Driveway 4 (Units 35 through 87 Westbrook Way).

I encourage everyone to read and review the contents of this edition of the FYI for information about serving on the Board.  Enjoy the fresh crispness of autumn, and I look forward to seeing you at the Annual Meeting on Tuesday, October 27, 2015.

Robert Bruce Trafton, President, Edgewood Townehouse Association ( )

Preserve – Restore – Maintain
September 8, 2015

Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. Board members present were: Bruce Trafton, Michele Coney, Linda Johnson, Michael Maulding, Don Pasquali, Jennifer Smith, and JoAnn Wilson. Jolene Baron and Brian Entwistle were excused. Also present was Frank Gaddini, ETA Director of Operations and Facilities.

Approval of Minutes: The Board approved and accepted the minutes of August 11, 2015.

Standing Reports:            

  1. Facility Report: Written report submitted
  2. Treasurers Report: Written report submitted
  3. Website Coordinator: Written report submitted
  4. Clubhouse Coordinator: Written report submitted
  5. Swimming Pool – Written report submitted
  6. Welcome Coordinator: No report submitted
  7. Hospitality Coordinator: Written report submitted

Old Business:

  1. ADA Review for Clubhouse Accessibility: Pending
  2. Rule Review: The Board reviewed and finalized the following: Pet Rules. They will be published in the next FYI and posted on the ETA website. The Architectural Committee Procedure for Exterior Changes and the Grievance Committee Procedures will be reviewed at the next meeting.
  3. Finalize Clubhouse Coordinator Job Description: Tabled until the next meeting.

New Business:

  1. Waiver: Request from 148 BB to park a Nissan Xterra in guest parking no later than October 31, 2015 was approved. Request from 167 WW to park in overflow or guest parking for 2-3 months was approved.
  2. Continuing Education Topic: ETA Director of Operations and Facilities, Frank Gaddini, reviewed the 10 most important traits of the most successful HOAs in the United States.
  3. Proposed Budget: The Budget Committee, including Doug Cone and Christine Donahue, presented a “Proposed FY2016 Budget.” The Board decided to continue reviewing the proposal which is based upon a 3.7% HOD increase for FY2016.
  4. Executive Session


  1. Signage: A new Edgewood Townehouses sign has been mounted on the masonry wall at the Willamette Street and Westbrook Way entrance.
  2. The next Board of Directors Business Meeting: Tuesday, October 13, 2015, at the Clubhouse at 6:30 PM.
  3. The next Quarterly Open Forum Meeting: October 27, 2015, at 7 PM in the Clubhouse.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:10 PM

JoAnn Wilson

Treasurer’s Report
With the completion of many capital improvements projects in July, the pace of expenditures in August has slowed somewhat. This pattern should continue for the next few months with the one exception of our planed foundation work on one garage in late September.  Members questions are always welcome. 

Michele Coney, ETA Treasurer                                                               

Pool Report
As of  this date 64 home owners have signed the “Pool Rules” agreement  and 829 people have signed-in to use the pool.  REMINDER- Pool closeds Sunday September 20th at 9:00pm.

Angie Call, Pool Coordinator ( )                       

Edgewood Townehouse Association Website, September 2015
Our website, www.edgewoodhoa.org had 58 visitors who looked at 113 pages during the period August 10 to September 5, 2015.

Toni Horodysky ( )

Resident Directory Changes

Please send all Resident Directory Changes to me, Toni Horodysky ( )

August 2015 Facilities and Operations Report
Frank L. Gaddini This report is a review of work addressed in August 2015.  The month was another busy month at Edgewood.  We recorded and completed one hundred and eleven (111) jobs in August.  During the month, we focused our attention on irrigation repair and renovation, groundwater management projects, and roof replacement projects.

Perhaps the most notable achievement in August was the completion of a complete groundwater management project along the west side of 17 to 31 Westbrook Way.  Another notable job was the replacement of the entire irrigation zone at the entrance of Driveway #1 (10 through 40 Brae Burn).  At 54 Westbrook Way, the flat roof developed a leak and we removed the roof-top air conditioner unit that was part of the original showroom townhouse 45 years ago.  The flat roof is now completely replaced.

During the month, we also abated three dead trees.  Two of the trees were standing dead Fir Trees along our south property border and the other tree was a standing dead Shore Pine Tree north of 17 Westbrook Way.  The end of August also signals the end of our twenty-two week lawn, shrub bed, and hardscape clean up contract with Marlon and Son Landscaping.  Through the next few weeks, leaves will quietly fall and collect until our Leaf Management Program begins in early October.  This is a good time to enjoy the spectacular colors of autumn at Edgewood.


My childhood was very much like images painted by Norman Rockwell, and described by Garrison Keillor, beginning in a suburb of St. Paul, Minnesota. My father was a test chemist, and my mom a super model and secretary. My loving brother’s mother had died when he was a baby, which I did not know for many years. I thought all children had three sets of great grandparents! We had large Scandinavian holiday dinners and celebrations. My dad would flood our back yard for the neighborhood skating rink. My middle sister was born in St. Paul also. The lure of the West took my more formal English grandparents to California, where my dad became an aerospace engineer. We had to move many times then. I credit that experience with making me a strategist, resilient, and a hard worker. My youngest sister was born just before my brother came up here to the University of Oregon. The family moved to Redlands, California where I went to high school and my first two years of college at the University of Redlands. I wanted to be a teacher, but ended up a social worker in the downtown housing projects of Los Angeles, and Hollywood. My Geology teaching assistant and I were married at the end of my sophomore year. He made a career change at 25, becoming a stockbroker for Dean Witter, and subsequently, we moved to Eugene in 1973, and soon I was promoted to being a Caseworker Supervisor. After having my kids, I realized that career path could not work with a family and for 20 years, I volunteered for School District 4J, the Junior League of Eugene, the Relief Nursery and lobbied in the Oregon Legislature for children’s issues, as well as for Governor Goldschmidt’s Children’s Agenda, writing a booklet on how to help kids stay out of trouble, and being a certified trainer. At the same time, I was studying to be an interior designer, which was a passion. I was very fortunate to work in many lovely homes, and for Reed & Cross. Combined with my real estate career, the threads of social work, and the Minnesota upbringing complement each other for a very fulfilling career. I am very grateful to have had an interesting life, most of all, for my two children, and grandchild, and to wake every morning in the woods in our community the Townehouses of Edgewood!

*Cindy is the volunteer who arranges hospitality events for our neighborhood.
If you know a neighbor who should be celebrated in future FYI please share your suggestion with Board Member Brian Entwistle ( )



Our irrigation system is best described as “solid” given that it is generally forty-five (45) years old and continues to serve us reasonably well.  Like any building system, it requires maintenance and upgrades to keep it functioning.  The details of our irrigation system include:

We have ten (10) irrigation control centers.  These are the electronic controls that turn “on” and “off” the underground irrigation zone valves.  In the last four years, we have upgraded four (4) of our irrigation control centers.

We have forty-one (41) irrigation zone valves.  These are the underground valves that control the days and times to start and stop watering, as well as the number of minutes of watering per zone. In the last four years, we have replaced eleven (11) irrigation zone valves.

We have approximately 1,250 sprinklers in the ground that irrigate a variety of flora, trees and plants.  In the last four years, we have serviced or replaced hundreds of sprinklers, and in most repairs, we have upgraded to high efficiency sprinkler nozzles that apply up to forty percent (40%) less water than their older predecessors.

Indeed, not only have we been using high efficiency sprinkler nozzles, but we have adjusted our water times to a mere three (3) minutes per zone from former years when zones were irrigated for twelve (12) to fifteen (15) minutes per zone.

We have been able to keep our park-like setting healthy and green:  first, by using Oregon State University (OSU) researched and developed drought-resistant hybrid lawn seed to over-seed many of our lawn areas; second, by methodically upgrading to high efficiency sprinkler nozzles; third, by upgrading to versatile and flexible Irrigation Control Centers; and fourth, by thinning over-vegetated plant beds and natural areas.

We have responsibly conserved water, yet maintained the serenity and beauty of healthy landscapes, kept our building foundations straight and steady with consistent moisture levels, and garnered the favorable compliments of realtors, perspective buyers, and our neighbors on our robust, blooming, and healthy landscape.

Yellow jacket is the common name in North America for predatory wasps.  They can be identified by their distinctive yellow and black markings. Yellow jackets are social hunters living in colonies containing workers, queens, and males (drones).  The colonies are often in holes that are under the ground or hollowed out logs.

All yellow jackets are capable of stinging.  Yellow Jackets have lance-like stingers with small barbs, and typically sting repeatedly, though occasionally a stinger becomes lodged and pulls free of the wasp's body; the venom like most bees and wasp venoms, is primarily only dangerous to humans.

It is presumed that with the unusually mild winter earlier this year many colonies survived.  Please be alert as you walk around the grounds. If you observe colonies of yellow jackets, contact Frank or Bruce and notify them of the location.


Recently, the Lane County Board of Health’s Environmental Management Inspector conducted his annual surprise visit and assessment of our Pool to ensure compliance with the Oregon Revised Statues Rules for management of a Private/Public Pool.  Our efforts at upgrading the security/safety fence, our new signage, our new 911 Emergency Call Box, and our new Child Security Gates were highly regarded by the inspector.

We received excellent grades for our safety and security measures. We received excellent grades for waer quality, water testing, and overall sanitation. And best of all, we were complimented as beong "... one of the best manages Private/Public Pools in Lane County. A model operation..."

Our Pool has become a great place for family and friends to recreate. Enjoy the Pool!

Brain Agility

Brain Agility returns Wesdnesday october 14, every Wednesday until November 25, at 1:30 to 3:00 pm for all those interested in keeping a youthful and agile brain.

Please see a detailed explanation in your fron door newspaper bar sometime this week.

This note sent by board Member Brian Entwistle

Nominees for Edgewood Board of Directors Term:
January 1, 2016 through December 31, 2018

Current Nominees:

Linda Johnson, Incumbent
Jennifer Smith, Incumbent
Mike Maulding, Incumbent

If you are interested in being a nominee and included on the ballot, complete and return the form below to the Clubhouse mailbox before Friday, October 23, 2015 by 5 PM.

Print Name ______________________________________

Address ________________________________________

Contact Telephone Number __________________________

I have read the duties and responsibilities of the ETA Board of Directors on the reverse side of this document, and I wish to be considered as a nominee for one of the three available positions.

Signature __________________________

Date _____________________________

1.  The management of this Association shall be delegated and entrusted to a Board of Directors shall be elected by the members at the annual meeting. The board shall consist of four (4) elected officers (President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer) and five (5) directors. Directors and officers may serve for more than one term.
2.  The directors of the association shall hold office for a term of three (3) years, or until his successors shall have been elected and qualified. The term of the nine directors shall be staggered so that three positions will be completing their three year term each year.
3.  Any director or officer may resign at any time by giving written notice to the Board. Such resignation shall take effect on the date of receipt unless a later time is specified within. Unless otherwise specified, the acceptance of such resignation shall not be necessary to make it effective.
4.  Any officer or director may be removed from office with or without cause by an affirmative vote of six (6) members of the Board. Removal may be appealed at a meeting of the membership of the Association. In the event of death, resignation, or removal of a director or officer, his successor shall be appointed by, the remaining members of the Board and shall serve for the remainder of the replaced directors term.
5.   Compensation: No person shall receive compensation for any service rendered to the Association as an elected officer or elected director. However, any actual expenses incurred in the performance of duties may be reimbursed.


1.  The elected officers of the Association shall be a President, Vice President, Secretary and a Treasurer, all of whom shall be members of the Board of Directors.
2.   No person shall simultaneously hold more than one (1) of any of the other offices except in the case of an emergency.
3.   The duties of the officers are as follows:
President: The president shall preside at all meetings of members and the Board of Directors; shall see that orders and resolutions of the Board are carried out; shall sign all leases, deeds, promissory notes, and other written instruments and shall co-sign checks as necessary.
Vice President: The vice president shall act in the place and stead of the president in the event of his absence, inability or refusal to act, and shall exercise and discharge such other duties as may be required of him by the Board of Directors.
Secretary: The secretary shall record the votes and keep the minutes, signed and dated, of all meetings and proceedings of the Board and Association meetings; keep the corporate seal of the Association and affix it on all papers requiring said seal; serve notice of meetings of the Board and of the Association; keep appropriate current records showing the members of the Association together with their addresses; keep a current record of the officers, directors, and committees; and shall record all official documents. Additional secretarial duties, as required by the Board may be assigned to a volunteer or to an appointee, and may be compensated, as deemed necessary.
Treasurer: The treasurer shall cause to be received and deposited in the appropriate bank accounts all monies of the Association and shall cause to be disbursed such funds as directed by resolution of the Board of Directors; shall sign checks as necessary and all promissory notes of the Association; keep proper books of account; and shall cause to be prepared an annual budget and financial statements to be presented to the membership at its regular annual meeting to the members. Funds of the Association must be kept in a state or nationally chartered bank or Savings and Loan institution with deposit insurance coverage by FDIC or equivalent type coverage. All checks shall bear two authorized signatures; one signature shall be of the president, vice president or treasurer and the second signature may be of a member of the Association designated by the Board.


1.  Regular meetings of the Board of Directors shall be held on the second Tuesday of each month. Meeting notices shall be posted. Members may attend the meetings, and non members may attend only by invitation only.
2.   Special meetings of the Board of Directors shall be held when called by the President of the Association, or by two (2) directors, after not less than three (3) days notice to each member of the Board. Notice of meeting shall be posted.


POWERS: The Board of Directors shall have power to:
A. Adopt and publish rules and regulations governing the use of the common area and facilities, and the personal conduct of the members and their guests thereon, and establish penalties for the infraction thereof.
B. Suspend the voting rights and right to use of the recreational facilities of a member during any period in which such member shall be in default in the payment of any assessment levied by the Association. Such rights may also be suspended after notice and hearing, for a period not to exceed thirty (30) days for infraction of published rules and regulations.
C. Exercise for the Association all powers, duties and authority vested in or delegated to this Association and not reserved to the membership by other provision of these By-Laws, the Articles of Incorporation or the Declaration.
D. Declare the office of a member of the Board of Directors to be vacant in the event such member is absent from three (3) consecutive regular meetings of the Board of Directors.
E. Contract for services for the maintenance of common areas in accordance with the Declaration and such other services necessary for the management of the Association.
F. Hire employees as deemed necessary for the management of the Association and to prescribe their duties.

DUTIES: It shall be the duty of the Board of Directors to:
A. Cause to be kept a complete record of all its acts and corporate affairs and to present a statement thereof to the members at all membership meetings.
B. Supervise all officers, agents and employees of the Association and to see that their duties are properly performed.
C. Fix the amount of the annual assessment against each Lot at least thirty (30) days in advance of each annual assessment period; send written notice of each assessment to every owner subject thereto at least thirty (30) days in advance of each assessment period; and optionally foreclose the lien against any property for which assessments are not paid within thirty (30) days after due date or to bring an action at law against the owner personally obligated to pay same. As set forth in the Declaration, Article IV.
D. Issue, or cause an appropriate office to issue, upon demand by any person, a certificate setting forth whether or not any assessment has been paid. A reasonable charge may be made by the Board for the issuance of these certificates. If the certificate states an assessment has been paid, such certificate shall be conclusive evidence of such payment.
E. Procure and maintain adequate liability and hazard insurance on property owned by the Association; procure and maintain adequate personal liability insurance for members of the Board.
F. Cause to be maintained all common area in accordance with Article VIII of the Declaration.
G. Cause all officers, members, or employees authorized to receive or dispense funds to be bonded, as it may deem appropriate.
H. Cause the Common Area and Associations real property to be maintained.
I. Cause to be prepared an annual budget, review and approve financial statements and present to the membership at the Association's annual meeting. The Board shall maintain adequate reserve accounts and may authorize audit by an independent public accountant to review the Association's accounts as necessary or appropriate.
J. Assure that expenditures are made in accordance with the annual budget.

[Phone numbers, e-mail addresses, and street addresses have been removed for privacy reasons.]
