F.Y.I. The Newsletter of Edgewood Townehouse Association
PO Box 5424, Eugene, OR 97405

April 2014

Next Regular Board Meeting: Tuesday, April 22nd, 6:30 p.m. Location: Clubhouse

Next HOA Quarterly Meeting Tuesday, May 13th, 7:00 p.m.Location: Clubhouse

(Notices of any special board meetings are posted in the Clubhouse 3 days before date of meeting per Bylaws)

By-the-Brook Book Group --   Wednesday, May 14th, 2:00 p.m.

Tuesday Afternoon Teatime --   Tuesday, May 20th, 3:00 p.m.


Message from the Board;
HOA Board Meeting Minutes 4/8/14;
Reports: Website, Treasurer, Facilities Report;
Monthly Banking Activities [Omitted]

FYI Info:
Editor: Jeni Hinton

To Preserve, Restore, and Maintain

At the April 2014 Board Business Meeting, we discussed a current topic confronting many non-profit homeowner associations and decided to take action on that matter.  The matter at hand is privacy and how organizations manage the personal information it collects from its members.  Some background on privacy policies follows below.  A privacy policy is a written statement that discloses some or all of the ways an organization gathers, uses, discloses and manages a member's data.  Personal information can be anything that can be used to identify an individual, not limited to but including; name, address, contact information, telephone numbers, and other pertinent information about our members. An organization’s privacy policy statement also should declare how it collects, stores, and releases the personal information it collects.  It should inform the member what specific information is collected, and whether it is kept confidential, shared with partners, or sold to other enterprises.
Privacy is important to the modern state, because grounded in it is the individual's physical and moral autonomy. For this reason, it is worthy of constitutional protection.  The exact contents of a privacy policy will depend upon the applicable law and may need to address requirements across geographical boundaries and legal jurisdictions. In the United States, privacy laws generally apply only to the public sector, not to the private sector.  However, most private sector organizations and many homeowner associations in the United States have taken the initiative to develop their own privacy policies and codes of conduct.

These laws are based on Fair Information Practices, first developed in the United States in the 1970s by the Department for Health, Education and Welfare (HEW) and further defined under the Privacy Act of 1974. The basic principles of data protection are summarized below:

For all data collected there should be a stated purpose.  Information collected by an individual cannot be disclosed to other organizations or individuals unless authorized by law enforcement officials or by the consent of the individual.  Records kept on an individual should be accurate and up to date.  There should be mechanisms for individuals to review data about themselves, to ensure accuracy.  This may include periodic reporting to the Association membership.  Data should be deleted when it is no longer needed for the stated purpose.

Our Board decided to address the matter of privacy formally at the April meeting.  The Board prepared and approved a privacy policy statement to share with the Association membership of the intent, purpose, and use of the information we collect from lot owners of Edgewood Townehouse Association. 

Our resolution is stated below.

The Edgewood Townehouse Association of Eugene Oregon, referred to as the Association hereunder, is committed to the privacy and security of our association members. The Edgewood Townehouse Association Privacy Policy complies with the Privacy Act of 1974 under the United States Code.

Personal information collected by the Association is for the primary purpose of membership requirements and internal communiqués for safety, security, construction notices, HOD rates and collections, general association informational broadcasts, and emergency management and preparedness.  Information collected on homeowners will not be released by the Association or any of its members, under any circumstances, for any form of commercial gain, personal gain, or any purposes inconsistent to the Association’s internal affairs and business.

The Association will collect the following proprietary information:  Name, email address, lot/unit address, and telephone/contact number.  We use this information for internal record keeping and to provide you better service, livability, and distribute Association information in a timely fashion.  From time to time, we may also use your information to contact you by email, phone, or mail.  We will not provide your information to non-Association persons or organization without your express written permission.  We will never sell your information.  Disclosure, misuse of the intended purpose of this information, or distribution to non-Association members without the expressed written consent of the Executive Officers of the Association’s Board of Directors is prohibited and will subject the perpetrator(s) to civil and possibly criminal liabilities.

Bruce Trafton
President, Edgewood Townehouse Association ( )

April 8, 2014
Preserve - Restore – Maintain

Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m.  Board members present were:  Bruce Trafton, Toni Horodysky, Russ Fryburg, Jolene Baron, Sandee Jones, Suzi Wojcik, Jennifer Smith, Jo Ann Wilson and Linda Johnson.  Also present was Frank Gaddini, ETA Director of Facilities and Operations. 

Approval and acceptance of the minutes from March 11th, 2014 meeting.  The minutes are approved with the following change:  The notes in the Standing Reports section regarding the Website Committee Report should have stated that the problem with the website was spammers not hackers and there is not a problem with the website.

Standing Reports:

  1. Facility Report: Written report submitted.
  2. Treasurers Report: Written report submitted.
  3. Clubhouse Committee: See facility report for details.
  4. Swimming Pool: Closed For the season.
  5. Welcome Committee:  Written report submitted.
  6. Website Committee:  Written report submitted.

Old Business: 

  1. Review of case __.
  2. New Buyer/Seller Information Committee – Continuing.
  3. Update bookkeeper job description - The Board reviewed a draft titled - Edgewood Townhouse Association - Bookkeeping Services Specifications
  4. Update on pool rules - The Board reviewed a draft titled - Edgewood Townhouse Association Pool Use Rules 2014.
  5. Association's sign discussion - The Board has a goal to have the monument sign finished this year.

New Business:

  1. Privacy restrictions – Resolution - The Board reviewed a draft resolution regarding the use of personal information that is collected by the Association. The Board approved the resolution regarding privacy.
  2. Waivers - A petition form from __ Westbrook Way regarding front porches was reviewed.  


  1. Quarterly - Town Hall Meeting - April 22nd at 7:00 p.m. in the Clubhouse.
  2. The next Board of Directors Business Meeting is May 13, 2014 at 6:30 p.m. in the Clubhouse.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:00 p.m.

Jolene Baron, Secretary

Edgewood Townehouse Association Website, April 2014
Toni Horodysky, ( )

This month our website statistics were again inflated by a referral spammer based in Russia so we are unable to report a realistic figure for the number of visitors the period March 11 to April 8.

Treasurer Report April 2014
Toni Horodysky, Treasurer ( )

We ended March with all our members current with their Homeowner dues. Thank you! Please remember your dues are payable on the first of the month. That allows ETA to pay our bills on time during our bookkeeper’s first visit of the month.

During March we filed ETA’s state and federal Income taxes, and rolled over one of our $5,000 Insurance CD’s into a 12 month CD. During this month we paid for ice storm cleanup, garage doors, foundation repair, roof maintenance, crack repair and painting of interior clubhouse walls, and rebuilding patio walls.

Facilities and Operations Report
Frank L. Gaddini

March at Edgewood Townehouses can be described with one word – beautiful!  All the fauna started blooming – seemingly all at once.  The smell of flora growing was almost palpable along the Braeburn Creek walkway.  A carpet of green emerged everywhere along the grounds, and the cherry blossoms added the first splash of colorfulness to what had been a moody, bleak, colorless landscape.  The fauna – the blue jays and red robins – broke the winter silence adding gaiety with their songs of Spring.  Edgewood, this month, is a better place than it ever has been.

Regarding our Capital Projects, March saw the installation of two more overhead garage doors, the restoration of eight (8) patio walls, and the repainting of the Clubhouse’s Grand Room.  Other maintenance included the replacement of five (5) buildings’ gutters and downspouts, weeding shrub beds, fertilizing all of the lawns, fertilizing most of our rhodys and azaleas, and collecting many of the winter’s fallen branches along the creek corridor.  One notable job was the completion of several electrical and safety updates to the Pool’s Equipment Room in the sub-basement of the Clubhouse.  We recorded sixty (60) jobs in our maintenance log during April.

March is the name’s sake of the Roman and Greek (Ares) god of war; but in the year 2013 at Edgewood, March was a month of peace and growth. Until next month, have a peaceful Spring as we march ahead with our campaign to restore Edgewood to its park-like setting.


[Phone numbers, e-mail addresses, and street addresses have been removed for privacy reasons.]
