F.Y.I. The Newsletter of Edgewood Townehouse Association
PO Box 5424, Eugene, OR 97405

November 2010

Important Dates:

Next Regular Board Meeting: Tuesday, December 14, 6:30 PM
Holiday Decorating Party: Saturday, November 27, 1:00 PM

(Notices of any special board meetings are posted in the Clubhouse 3 days before date of meeting per Bylaws)

Hospitality Activities:

By-the-Brook Book Group: By-the-Brook Book Group: Wed. December 8, 2 PM
Tuesday Afternoon Teatime: December 21, 3 PM in the Clubhousee.


Message From The Board
Annual General Meeting Notes; Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Minutes from Special Board of Directors Meeting regarding Parking Waivers; Thursday November 4, 2010
Board Of Directors Meeting Minutes: Tuesday November 9, 2010
Reports: Grounds; Architectural; Director's; Welcome; Website; Clubhouse
Monthly Banking Activities [Omitted]

FYI Info:

Editor: Dave Compton ( )


The Board wants to wish ALL a HAPPY THANKSGIVING!

The Holliday Season is upon us and we will be having a Holiday Decorating Party - Saturday November 27th at 1:00. Call Bev Day and let her know so we know how much food and beverage to provide.

According to our records we have had snow and freezing temperatures in late November and early December, so NOW is the time to act!

Residents are reminded to take the following steps:

Make certain that outside hoses are disconnected.

Cover outside faucets with Styrofoam faucet covers.

Cover vents in your unit with Styrofoam inserts. Both covers can be purchased at a Hardware store.

At night open cabinet doors which are on outside walls.

Leave a 'pencil- lead- size' stream of water running in your kitchen and upstairs bathroom sinks.

If you take these simple steps, hopefully you will not be calling the Plumber.

One more time we want to remind people with trees and shrubbery in their patios:

Now is the time to CUT or PRUNE.

We have a 30 yard dumpster for your wood debris.

If you plan on doing this, but don’t know how to begin the process call our Director, Frank G.

Bruce Trafton, President
( )

Annual Meeting Notes
Tuesday, October 26, 2010 - 7:00 PM, Clubhouse

Board members present - Bruce Trafton, Toni Horodysky, Susan Klein, Suzy Wojcik, Linda Johnson, and Russ Fryburg. Eaton Conant, Doug Cone, and Jon Joseph were excused.

Opening remarks and announcements

President Bruce Trafton welcomed the people attending and thanked the board and the committee members for all their efforts. Trafton gave a brief state of the association report.

The dryer vent cleaning went well with more than 1⁄2 of the homeowners participating. The same price will be available to clean the dryer vents for next year.

There is a monthly increase of dues of $10.00 starting in January of 2011. The bulk of this increase goes to capital projects and reserve funds. The board also passed a resolution to borrow from the reserves for capital projects, and will have it paid back in installments before December 31, 2011.

ETA now has one of our important assets in Frank Gaddini, our director, instead of a live-in manager, and the director’s style works well with licensed and bonded contractors and with the board.

The board members meet, sometimes three times a month, to do the business of the association, and have accomplished a lot of business in the last year.

There are newly established committees including a new Architectural Committee, Grounds Committee, Clubhouse Committee, Welcome (hospitality) Committee and Budget Committee. The association has new protocols for renting property, satellite dish policies, pets and parking policies, and swimming pool rules. In the years to come, there will be revisions of the CC&R’s and further updating of the rules and bylaws. Bruce introduced several new residents.

ETA director’s remarks

Frank Gaddini thanked the people for attending and expressed appreciation for the hard work of the board. During the past year we have completed more than 400 job duties with our contractors and contracted employees, and he explained that the reserve study was helpful to him. The next year will include more asphalt paving, and he is looking forward to 2011 to get some projects done sooner than in the past. It will be helpful to have the reserve funding to pay our debts on a timelier basis and get work done earlier.


Frank Gaddini explained some of the factors of the 2011 budget. There are just a few small areas where the budget has changed. These were highlighted in the report. Our forty-year-old complex needs to be maintained, and it is a constant process to do this.

One homeowner stated that the Braeburn Dr. corridor is being neglected and needs attention.


The incumbent board members were voted in unanimously without any further nominations from the floor.

Comments, concerns, and questions from the audience

A homeowner thanked the board for working together and the incumbents for running again for office.

Another homeowner also thanked the board and the director for all their efforts.

Overflow parking lot concerns were brought up by a homeowner. The history of the overflow parking lot was asked about, and the rules have changed over time. There was some discussion about parking RV’s in the overflow parking both for visitors and for residents on a temporary basis. There is a waiver of the parking policy that is available in the event of special circumstances.

Closing remarks

In 2011 the board will be looking for places to safely invest our reserve funds to return a higher rate of interest.

Volunteers are needed to help decorate the clubhouse for Christmas. Those interested can sign up in the clubhouse.

Meeting adjourned at 8:00 PM
Respectfully submitted by Suzy Wojcik, Secretary
( )

Special Board of Directors Meeting
Thursday November 4, 2010, Clubhouse

Call to Order at Six-Thirty (6:35) PM

Board member present were: Bruce Trafton, Suzy Wojcik, Jon Joseph, Linda Johnson, Eaton Conant, Russ Fryburg, and Doug Cone. Susan Klein and Toni Horodysky were excused. Frank Gaddini was also present.

Purpose of meeting was to review the parking waiver forms.

There were eight waiver form request to review from ETA residents.

1. #24 Westbrook Way - Request to park a car temporarily in guest parking, while a member of the family is ill. Russ Fryburg moved that we allow her three months with a friendly amendment from Eaton Conant that she apply for extension after three months. Suzy Wojcik seconded. Passed unanimously.

2. # 40 Brae Burn Dr - Request to park an extra vehilcle in guest parking on Brae Burn until 11-30-10, while trying to sell. Russ Fryburg moved and Eaton Conant seconded the motion to allow them to park the vehicle there. Motion passed unanimously.

3. # 136 Brae Burn - Request to park a car temporarily in guest parking for two months while trying to downsize items in garage. Russ Fryburg moved to approve the waiver request and Linda Johnson seconded. Motion passed unanimously.

4. #121 Westbrook Way - Request to park a motor home in overflow parking lot in between trips to load and unload clean and make improvements. Dates and time will vary. Russ Fryburg moved to accept the waiver to park the motor home in the overflow parking area. Suzy Wojcik seconded.
Motion passed unanimously.

5. #167 Westbrook Way - Requested extended parking dates indefinitely for two vehicles in overflow parking since they will not fit in garage. Russ Fryburg moved to accept the waiver with a reapplication in 12 months. Suzy Wojcik seconded. Motion passed unanimously.

6. #35 Westbrook Way - Request for 30 days to park a Nissan van in front of 35 WW for ease of moving possessions from garage. Russ Fryburg moved and Linda Johnson seconded Nissan van for November.
Motion passed unanimously.

7. #75 WW. Request a waiver to park trailer in the overflow lot before and after trips for a week or two. Russ Fryburg moved that we allow the waiver to park intermittently in the overflow lot to be reviewed after 12 months. Doug Cone seconded. Motion passed unanimously.

8. #186 Brookside Dr - Request to park a VW camper in guest parking area since there are three spaces for two units and van won’t fit in garage. Russ moved and Linda seconded to allow the Westfalia to park in guest parking area with a friendly amendment to reapply in 12 months. Motion passed unanimously.

Russ Fryburg moved that we adjourn at 7:30PM. Doug Cone seconded. Motion passed.

Meeting adjourned.

7:30 PM
Respectfully submitted by Suzy Wojcik, Secretary ( )

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, November 9, 2010, Clubhouse

Call to Order at Six-Thirty (6:30) PM: Board members attending were Bruce Trafton, Russ Fryburg, Eaton Conant, Jon Joseph, Linda Johnson, Doug Cone, Suzy Wojcik, and Susan Klein. Toni Horodysky was excused. Also attending was Frank Gaddini.

Announcement - The immediate family of the owners of #5 Westbrook Way will be moving in thus removing it from the property for sale list.

Approval of minutes of the October 12, 2010 Board of Directors Meeting, Annual Meeting on October 26th, and Special Board Meeting on November 4, 2010 - It was moved by Jon Joseph and Russ Fryburg seconded, to approve the minutes as recorded. Motion to approve the minutes of the three meetings passed.

State of Facilities and Operations Report - Frank Gaddini provided a written report.

Budget Report - Bruce Trafton reported that only one homeowner is behind in homeowner dues, and there is a lien on that property.

Standing Committee Reports

Architectural/Building Committee - Written report submitted.
Clubhouse Committee - Written report submitted.
Grounds Committee - Written report submitted.
Welcome Committee - No report submitted.
ETA Website - No report submitted.

Old Business:
1. Reserve Study Update - (Tabled).
2. Reserve Fund Investment Strategies - (Tabled).
3. Redress of Waiver decision -

A motion was made by Russ Fryburg to add a review requirement to the Parking Waiver Request submitted by the home owner of #121 Westbrook Way. Jon Joseph seconded the motion. by Russ Fryburg. Jon Joseph seconded the motion. The motion passed.

Frank Gaddini will update the waiver form for easier processing and management. It will be an NCR form, so that the homeowner submitting the Request Waiver and ETA both can have a copy.

Russ Fryburg entertained a motion to place a one year moratorium on any changes to the current parking policy. The moratorium will be in effect from November 9, 2010, through November 9, 2011. Waiver requests under the current parking policy will continue to be considered and processed. Susan Klein seconded the motion. Motion passed.

A question arose during the discussion asking, why have a one year moratorium? Susan Klien responded that the matter has been monopolizing a majority of the Board’s time over the past few months, and other business - financial and legal - cannot be entertained. Russ Fryburg added that a one-year moratorium would give the newly adopted Parking Policy an opportunity to be tried. Motion passed. (7 yea - 1 nay).

New Business:
1. Defining the project and the cost of loan advancement amount for fiscal year 2011.
Bruce Trafton proposed that we borrow $10,000 from our reserve account in January or February 2011 specifically for concrete (sidewalk repair) work. The $10,000 will be added to our capital improvement budget to pay for the concrete sidewalk repairs and repaid back into our reserve account by December 31, 2011.

Jon Joseph moved that the board borrow $10,000 in January or February 2011 to specifically pay for concrete sidewalk repair work (in January and/or February) and repay this $10,000 back to our Reserve Account by December 31, 2011. Russ Fryburg seconded to approve the loan. The discussion that ensued confirmed the amount of money to be borrowed and when it will be paid back. The motion passed unanimously.

2. A petition, submitted minutes before the start of the meeting (challenging the Overflow Parking Lot), was read by Bruce Trafton. The petition, signed by 30 residents from 25 homes, stated that these signers would like to limit the length of time in the Overflow Parking Lot for Recreational Vehicles to seven days. The petition asked that the Facility Director enforce the seven-day limit. During the discussion, a question asking about the history of parking at Edgewood arose. The answer disclosed that the original parking policy permitted recreational vehicles to park in the Recreational Vehicle Parking Lot, as it was formerly known between the years 1971 and 2000. During the fall of 2000, the original policy was changed to prohibit recreational vehicle parking in what became known as the Overflow Parking Lot. It was added that the new Parking Policy addresses all vehicles, not only recreational vehicles. However, it does somewhat restore Edgewood’s original intent to accommodate recreational vehicles in the Overflow Parking Lot for limited time, on a first-come, first-served basis, and with a waiver format to accommodate special circumstances on a case-by-case basis.

Consensus on the Board was resolved to give the new policy, especially that portion regarding the Overflow Parking Lot, one year’s time to assess its benefits or costs. The moratorium will give the Board the time needed to see how this works along with the waiver forms.

Next Board Meeting Time and Place:
December 14, 2010, starting at 6:30 PM at Clubhouse

Adjournment: 7:20 PM
Respectfully submitted by Suzy Wojcik, Secretary ( )

November 2010 Grounds Committee Report

Although most of the colorful fall foliage has diminished on our grounds, we still have a few trees with leaves of various shades of yellow, umber, orange, and crimson.

Marlon and Son, our leaf removal contractor, will be on site for two days a week, Monday and Thursday, until the end of the year, and then once a week in January on the 6th and 13th. The Sperry Co. pruners will be on site, working north of the creek, on Nov. 17th.

The hourly employees continue to cut grass where necessary, remove debris, do some rough pruning, and plant bushes and trees that are too large for the members of the GC to handle.

GC members transplanted azaleas and ferns that were up against structures or crowding other plants to areas that were bare. In the near future, the committee has plans to fill in areas that need vegetation , especially along both sides of the creek, with “volunteer” plants from our grounds, such as sword fern, Oregon grape, fir, Japanese maple, and cotoneaster.

If you decide to decorate your home for the holidays with a live tree or bush (rosemary, for instance), and decide not to keep it, think about donating it to ETA.

The Committee met on November 1st for a brief walk-around.

Respectfully submitted,
Jerry Wojcik, Grounds Committee Chair, ( )

Architectural Committee Report

The architecture committee met on 11/4/2010.
Present were Cindy Conley, Micheal Landes, Bruce Trafton, and Frank Gaddini

OLD Business:

1. It was noted that the new fixtures in the driveways of units #100-136 WW, #140-160 WW, and #50-80 and 110 BB look lovely

2. We talked about referral protocol to the Board

NEW Business:
1. A resident has requested permission to install solar tunnels and we discussed procedures and requirements for that. We will continue that discussion in our next meeting with the hopes of finalizing a procedure sheet.

2. we discussed the heatless pump installation issue and are working on a procedure sheet for that.

Our next meeting will be November 16th.

Simone d'Aubigné, Architectural Committee Chair, ( )

October 2010 Facilities and Operations Report

The month of October at Edgewood was focused on roofs. The month saw a very concerted effort at roof repairs, most notably roof jacks, gutter and downspout replacement, and roof and gutter cleaning and moss treatment. October was also the month that saw the beginning of our leaf management program. For the second year, Marlon and Son Landscape Maintenance was awarded the three (3) month service contract to collect and dispose the leaf fall from our community. Another major task that was addressed during the month was repainting six (6) patio areas. We continued our efforts at deep pruning many of the multitude of laurel shrubs on the property, especially plants that were in contact with buildings. This will be an ongoing task throughout the summer.

We have completed the lion’s share of our Capital Improvement Projects, and will see the few projects that are outstanding wind-down within the first few days of November. It has been a very successful year in setting maintenance benchmarks, as well as planning projects for our next fiscal year.

Frank L Gaddini, Facilities and Operations Director for Edgewood Townehouse Association ( )

Welcome Committee Report

Amid all the busyness of moving, and although our newest neighbor Susan Simonton at ( ) Brae Burn moved in during September, we were unable to present her with a Welcome Basket until early in the month of October. Susan and her family have received our Welcome Basket which includes a few delectable treats, a few common sense home items, and an information packet with CC&Rs, Rules, and Policies. Welcome into our community, Susan…!

Frances Gaddini, Welcome Committee Chair, ( )

Website Report, November 2010

Edgewoodhoa.org had 68 visitors who looked at 122 total pages during the time period October 8 to November 4.

Toni Horodysky, Webmistress ( )

Clubhouse Report

The clubhouse has had a good year. So far, there have been twenty-four special events held by homeowners. That doesn’t include the board meetings, committee meetings, or regularly scheduled events such as the monthly tea or book club. I’m please so many of you are using it.

December is filling up fast for the holidays so if you are hoping to use it for a family gathering or other celebration, you’d better check the calendar soon because it’s your special day may get taken. There are forms right next to the calendar and all you need to do is fill one out, attach a deposit check and stick it in the mail slot. Special requests require a call to me, Bev Day.

Speaking of holidays, we need some volunteers to help decorate the clubhouse. Several of us will be purchasing decorations next week (if you want to help, call me) and then we’ll do the decorating on the afternoon of Saturday, November 27th. Hope to see you then.

Bev Day, Clubhouse Chair

[Phone numbers, e-mail addresses, and street addresses have been removed for privacy reasons.]
