F.Y.I. The Newsletter of Edgewood Townehouse Association
PO Box 5424, Eugene, OR 97405

June 17, 2010

Important Dates:

Next Regular Board Meeting: Tuesday, July 13, 6:30 PM

(Notices of any special board meetings are posted in the Clubhouse 3 days before date of meeting per Bylaws)

Hospitality Activities:

By-the-Brook Book Group: Wed. July 14, 2 PM
Tuesday Afternoon Teatime: July 20, 3 PM in the Clubhouse


Message From The Board
Request for Volunteers
Board Of Directors Meeting Minutes: Tuesday June 8, 2010
Reports: Grounds; Clubhouse; Architectural; Director's; Website
ETA Meeting Notes Archives: 1979
Monthly Banking Activities [omitted]

FYI Info:

Editor: Dave Compton ( )


Memorial Day and the opening of the pool passed with rather cool weather and therefore, not too much activity at the pool. However, there were a few ducks taking advantage of the open water. Also, speaking of birds, there have been Northern Flickers, Downey Woodpeckers, Hummingbirds, Nuthatches, Chickadees, our resident Screech Owl, and the usual profusion of Crows. Probably, all of these birds are attracted by the beautiful property, stream, and the various feeders at ETA townehouses.

We only have so many springtimes in our life to enjoy; we only have a limited number of years to see the trees blossom and the birds return. These are important things to appreciate, cherish, and share with others! Our lives are finite, and there is always more work to do. If you can lend a hand, please contact any member of the board or any committee chairman.

We now have some very active committees with the Architectural committee, Grounds Committee, Pool group, and other committees that are working on various items to keep our property values up and our grounds beautiful.
It is possible that we may need an increase in our homeowner fees in the near future to maintain the beautiful place that we live. In the meantime, enjoy the beautiful weather. We have earned it.

Suzy Wojcik


Doug Cone and Yuelian Cone were married recently in Eugene. Yuelian's 13 year old son, Yuda, will be living with them. Yuelian and Yuda are from China and will become U.S. Citizens soon. Doug, Yuelian, and Yuda plan to continue living at 136 Brae Burn Drive.

Request For Volunteers

The Grounds Committee would like to see if any ETA residents are interested in working as volunteers under Grounds Committee supervision to do some light gardening on an occasional basis. The work will consist of weeding, light digging, brush and debris removal, and planting. Those interested can contact Jerry Wojcik, GC Chair, [ ].

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
Tuesday June 8, 2010

Call to Order at Six-Thirty (6:30) PM: Jon Joseph, vice president called the meeting to order. Present were Jon Joseph, Suzy Wojcik, Toni Horodysky, Linda Johnson, Russ Fryburg, and Doug Cone. Bruce Trafton, Susan Klein, and Eaton Conant were excused. Also present was Frank Gaddini.

Approval of Minutes of the May 2010 Board of Directors Meeting: Toni Horodysky moved and Linda Johnson seconded the passing of the minutes posted in the May edition of FYI. Motion passed.

State of Facilities and Operations Report: Report included for FYI. Some discussion followed Frank Gaddini’s report.

Treasurers Report: Toni Horodysky reported that two people are two months behind in the ETA association dues. The consensus was to put liens on the property. We have spent almost all the money for the siding that was budgeted. The asphalt needs to be done soon and will start in July and August.

Standing Committee Reports:

Architectural/Building Committee: Frank Gaddini reported that the committee has prepared a mission statement that will be presented at the July board meeting. There is one homeowner that would like to install a heat pump and the committee will oversee that project. We will finish the siding projects that were budgeted. The concrete on the sidewalk has been removed from Brookside Dr along the creek.

Clubhouse Committee: no report.

Grounds Committee: Jerry Wojcik submitted a written report. He is proposing to get weeding done at a cost of $1000.00 using the college workers or the gardening crew. The board would like to create work parties to pull weeds and then see if we need to use extra paid help.

Swimming Pool Committee: A written report enclosed.

Welcome Committee: No report.

ETA Website: Written report submitted to FYI.

Old Business:

Reserve Study Update: Frank Gaddini presented an update on the Reserve Study. The data was submitted to the study group and copies of the report will be at the clubhouse.

Reserve Fund Investment Strategies: (Tabled until December)

Rules/Policies Reviews: Pets & Parking (Tabled until July) There is a homeowner who wishes to rent her unit and another who is interested. The rules can be confusing and possibly need clarification. The board agreed to look at clarifying rental rules.

New Business:
1. Work Progress and Budgetary Needs. Some of the smaller projects will be attended to and we will move ahead on many of the other projects. The need may be to look at an increase for the association for next year for the budget. Discussion followed.

2. Cemetery drainage. Frank Gaddini will meet with the cemetery owners to let them know that there is a problem with the drainage. There was some discussion on how to proceed with the fix and what exactly needs to be fixed.

3. INFORMATIONAL – Sign replacement (Westbrook and Willamette) and sign addition (Brea Burn and Brookside Dr). Briefing on the artist rendition will be submitted to the board for the 2011 budget. The Townehouses of Edgewood is our official name.

4. INFORMATIONAL - Architectural committee Mission Statement will be presented in July.

5. INFORMATIONAL – Maintenance Protocols/Architectural Protocols - Frank Gaddini explained the procedure to the board for getting the work done.

Next Board Meetings Time and Place: July 13, 2010, starting at 6:30 PM at Clubhouse

Adjournment: Meeting adjourned at 8:00 PM

Respectfully Submitted: Suzy Wojcik, Secretary ( )

June 2010 Grounds Committee Report

Sperry Tree Care, our pruners, worked on the areas around 50BB and 60BB during their May 21st site visit. On their June visit, scheduled for the 25th, they’ll be working on an area south of the creek.

The Marlon and Son Company, our grounds maintenance contractor, de-weeded the “cemetery bank” behind 2WW to 54WW. The bank was then treated with a weed suppressant and covered with a layer of bark brought in by Lane Forest Products. Bark was also blown on the plant and flower beds along Brookside Dr. to Westbrook Way. The plant bays in the west parking lot off of Brae Burn were also barked, as well as some areas along the Willamette side of the grounds.

The Marlon Company removed three undesirable plants in front of and next to 185WW, and replaced them with plants after tiling the area with planting mix and covering it with leftover bark from the Lane Forest delivery.

The Committee will meet on June 8th at the Community Center at 10:30 am. Lee Benton-Williams, a member of the Committee for several years, recently tendered her resignation from the Committee. We would like to thank Lee for her contributions, especially for her advice and knowledge of the bushes, trees, and other flora on the ETA grounds.

Jolene Baron, a new resident, has offered to join the Committee.

Respectively submitted,
Jerry Wojcik, Grounds Committee Chair, ( )

Clubhouse Report

The clubhouse is getting some use and everyone is doing an excellent job of cleaning up after their event. Thank you!!

We still need someone to unlock on Wednesdays. At the last General Meeting, Toni and I both requested help but so far, no one has volunteered. No one unlocking the clubhouse means no access to the restrooms for the swimming pool so it’s really important… and oh, so simple!

Please help us out and call me (Bev Day, ) to volunteer to unlock on Wednesdays.

Architectural Committee Report

The newly formed Architectural Committee met on May 18, May 25, and June 6, 2010.

We have agreed to meet regularly for the time being on the first and third Tuesdays of every month. We seem to have a very large agenda and so will continue meeting 2X's/mth until we have caught up on the agenda items and have some protocols set in place.

The committee consists of Simone d'Aubigné, chairperson, Doug Cone, Cindy Conley, Micheal Landes, and Mike Metzler. We all have rich and varied experiences and expertise that we are bringing to this committee and are in hopes that we will help to support and enhance our ETA community. It is our intent to work as a team and formulate our decisions and proposals to the board through consensus with at least 2 people making a decision and hopefully 3 (this might include Frank Gaddini).

Our first agenda item was to come up with a Mission Statement to submit to the board for approval. The statement is as follows:

The mission of the Architectural Committee is to respond to requests for additions or alterations of the architectural elements of ETA's structures and grounds through systematic and thoughtful processes that preserve the historical and architectural harmony and the environmental quality of the ETA community.

Please let us know if you approve of this statement and if not, what changes you would suggest making.
We are in the process of setting up our priorities as to the issues that need to be addressed. Our next priority is to set up protocols for different issues. Our first protocol issue is the request for a ductless heat pump at #70BB. In our next meeting, June 15th, we will be discussing the issues of: revising the previous Homeowners Procedure handout, addressing the Monument of the NE Corner, the Front Sign, and the dumpster site plus more if time allows.

Thank you
Simone d'Aubigné, Architectural Committee Chair, ( )

May 2010 Facilities and Operations Report
Frank L. Gaddini ( )

May has been a month full of natural beauty and color as many of the mature rhododendrons and azaleas in our community at the Edgewood Townehouse Association burst into color and bloom. Our grounds and landscaping are physical features that continue to add value to our investments, gracefulness to our environs, and an intrinsic sense of tranquility to our lives and community. Twenty-six (26) percent of our Operations Budget or nearly fifteen (15) percent of our total annual income is devoted to our landscaping. In May we completed applying new bark ground cover to last month’s missed portions the our Brea Burn corridor and re-barked nearly one-third of our Westbrook Way shrub beds. In addition to our focus on our landscaping, as the month ensued, we undertook and completed three (23) jobs; most of them were Grounds related. Only eleven (11) of this month’s twenty-three jobs were building related.

Our only major building project in May was the re-painting of only the south elevations of six (6) townhouses along our Westbrook Way corridor. All other building maintenance was minor work performed on three (3) patio wall siding repairs, repair of the Pool Entry Door, and replacement of all the Pool signs with current and updated ones. May was also a month that focused on project planning and the phasing of upcoming jobs. Much time was invested in preparing the job specifications for our first phase of the June concrete sidewalk replacement project, and the preparation of job specifications for our contracted pool employee.

May was a productive month administratively, and the Board met for two scheduled meeting. One meeting was the regularly scheduled monthly Board Meeting, and the other was a very productive meeting that updated and revised the Pool Rules. Indeed, preparing for Memorial Day’s opening of the Pool occupied a good portion of the May’s work.

Upcoming major projects this year include: June’s concrete sidewalk replacement project; July’s first, of a four (4) year cycle, to repave all of our asphalt surfaces; and August’s resumption of painting and re-siding. Our maintenance and Capital Improvement Project efforts are clearly having a positive effect, although the demands for facility maintenance is steadily growing.


May 7, 2010Edgewood Townehouse Association Website, June 2010
Toni Horodysky ( ), Webmistress

Edgewoodhoa.org had 40 visitors who looked at 90 total pages during the time period May 6 to June 3.

ETA Meeting Notes Archives: ETA Meeting Notes Archives: 1979

Jan 15. 1979
Delinquent accounts discussed.
Mail boxes discussed - $50/unit. Refer to Gen membership.
Title research reveals Breeden owns nothing within ETA area.

Feb 13. 1979
Bonding discussed.
Delinquent accounts discussed.
Decided to place a lien when accounts are $150 in arears.
Determined that to file a suit costs $750 - better to place lien.
Entire Board will make up Grievance Committee.

March 13 1979
Question who pay deductible in case of claim.
Voted to allow owner to install screen door.

April 10, 1979
Discussion about delinquent accounts.
Discussed plantings to screen RV area.
Discussed advising owners all plants in common area belong to Assn regardless of who plants them.
Suggest 186 feet of railing be installed for walks along Brae Burn side of creek.
More request for screen doors.
Owner wants to paint one wall light color.
Proposed rule for dogs.
President wants review of all rules and regulations.

May 8. 1979
Discussed delinquent accounts.
Discussed screening RV area
Discussed rail fence being installed on Brae Burn by Breeden.
Insurance-bonding for each officer - $5,000.
Problem of tipped-over garbage cans.
Discussion of how Assn bills are paid and records kept.

June 12, 1979
Approved establishing plant nursery area where plants can be heeled in.
Lien filed against delinquent owner.
Discussed putting value of clubhouse on books.
Discussed having statement of reserve account and use of reserve funds.
Problem of dogs - $20 fine for not picking up after, or being unleashed.

July 2, 1979
Special meeting.
No news.

July 10, 1979
"Private Way" sign stolen
Report of dogs at large - moved that all dog complaints be in writing.
Recommend $81 special assessment for painting - go to gen membership.

Aug 14, 1979
Window screens are owners responsibility.
People observed using pool after closing.
Vandalism in clubhouse.
Attorney opinion is that Assn or Board cannot levy fines.
Owner of oversize boat refuses to move it - showed Board 62 other violations.
Suggestion to have 89 pigeonholes in clubhouse for distribution of info to owners.
Complaint Board is making decision without input from members.
Discussed parking.
Discussed allowing kitchen to be used by people at pool - denied.

Sept 19. 1979
Discussion over closing pool date.
Attorney say Assn cannot levy fines.
Closing Westbrook Way at west end discussed.
Agreed to "Grandfather" RVs parked before 11/78.

October 9, 1979
Delinquent account discussed - agreed no partial payments w/interest be allowed.
Agreed to post names of delinquents on bulletin board.
Owner asked permission to plant tulips and daffodills in front yard - granted.
Discussed closing Westbrook Way at west end.
Discussed increasing reserves.
Owner requested to be permitted to park a compact car in RV area - approved.

Nov 13, 1979
Owner requests approval to install chimney cap - approved.
Owners requested to install screen doors - approved.
Action on entry way painted red held over.
Coverning for pool approved.

Dec 11, 1979
Assessment set at $50.00 for 1980.
Delinquent accounts reviewed.
Kelly Services will clean gutters.
Owners to check with Board before painting stoop door.
Discussed parking in Guest space.
Discussed hiring attorney to find way to put teeth in rules and regulations.
Motion passed for $200 bonus for manager.

[Phone numbers, e-mail addresses, and street addresses have been removed for privacy reasons.]
