F.Y.I. The Newsletter of Edgewood Townehouse Association
PO Box 5424, Eugene, OR 97405

January 21, 2010

Important Dates:

Next General Meeting: Tuesday, January 26, 7:00 pm
Next Regular Board Meeting: Tuesday, February 9, 6:30 pm
(Notices of any special board meetings are posted in the Clubhouse 3 days before date of meeting per Bylaws)

Hospitality Activities:

Saturday Morning Social: February 13, 10:30 AM
By-the-Brook Book Group: Wednesday Feb. 10, 2 PM


Board Message
Special Meeting of the Board of Directors Minutes: December 29, 2009
Board Meeting Minutes: January 12, 2010
Reports: Grounds; Buildings; Website; Director
Monthly Banking Activities [omitted]
2009 Profit & Loss Report[omitted]

FYI Info:

Editor: Dave Compton

Next Deadline: February 12

Board Message
Welcome to a new decade!

Looking backwards to the beginning to 2009, it has been quite a year. It has run in fits and starts with two management styles. Both have accomplished a great deal and the Board in its consistency has helped in the easy transition to a more "business like" approach.

In July, The Board hired Frank L. Gadinni for a trial period of six months. At the last Board meeting, the Board unanimously renewed Frank's contract for an additional year, starting February 1, 2010.

We accomplished a long list of goals and spent our budget with a small surplus in 2009. We survived any ecological damage.

Looking ahead, the organization and budget for 2010 will be a template for that of 2011. We will also update, with the help of the community our CCR's. This will be a slow, careful, and methodological process. The year ahead will be both challenging and exciting and we will need all of your support,

On a closing note, the Board would like to recognize and applaud Gwen Acker who has held the position of Secretary for three years and worked with 4 presidents. Gwen was the glue who gave the Board its continuity.

Remember the dues have gone up to $245 per month starting January and the next General Meeting is Jan 26th, 2010 at 7:00.

Special Meeting of the Board of Directors
December 29, 2009

The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by President Bruce Trafton. Those in attendance were Board Members Bruce Trafton, Gwen Acker, Jon Joseph, Doug Cone,Toni Horodysky, Russ Fryburg, Eaton Conant and Suzy Wojcik. Susan Klein was excused. Frank Gaddini, and Gloria Gehrman also were present.

This special meeting had been announced at the December 8, 2009 regular Board Meeting. It was called for the purpose of considering approval of the 2010 Budget.

Prior to the consideration of the budget, Bruce advised of the death of our new neighbor at 50BB, Jane Doerfler. He further announced that one of the two residents reported to be severely in arrears has now paid in full. The white Honda on WW will be towed on January 7, 2010, if it is not moved prior to that time. The owner is aware of this.

Toni Horodysky moved that the request for a $250 per unit special assessment be brought before the membership at the January General Meeting. Jon Joseph seconded the motion. The motion failed.

After discussion, Suzy Wojcik moved that the 2010 Budget be adopted. Jon Joseph seconded the motion. With one board member abstaining and one board member voting no, the motion carried. (The Budget has previously been published in the December FYI.)

The meeting was recessed at 7:10 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Gwen Acker, Secretary

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Call to Order at Six-Thirty (6:30) PM: The meeting was called to order at 6:30 PM by President Bruce Trafton. Attending were all board members: Bruce Trafton, Eaton Conant, Doug Cone, Russ Fryburg, Toni Horodysky, Jon Joseph, Susan Klein, and Suzy Wojcik. Dave Compton and Frank Gaddini also were present.

Election of Board Officers: The vacant position of Secretary was filled by acclimation of the board by Suzy Wojcik after nomination was called for by Bruce Trafton.

Approval of Minutes of the December 2009 Board of Directors Meeting: The minutes of December 8 were approved as corrected with the rental date of 87 WW to be January 1, 2010. The address of 145 WW was corrected from 141 WW of sales that have closed. Corrected minutes were approved after motion by Toni Horodysky and second by Eaton Conant.

State of Facilities and Operations Report: Director of Facilities and Operations, Frank Gaddini reported that it is a new year and we need to plan for income of $xxx and we anticipate spending $xxx . He provided a written report to the members of the board. He stated that putting money into reserves will save for the projects for the future. In 2010, we need to very carefully watch the financial structure and it is possible that we will have increases in the future, but for now he recommends living with our current budget. State of Operations Budget and Reserve Budget Report: Both of the residents who were in arrears have caught up or are about to be caught up.

Standing Committee Reports:
Architectural Committee -- A written report was provided by Toni Horodysky. She also spoke with two new homeowners about various projects they were doing.

Budget Committee -- It was voiced that we should not give our association’s private financial information to other associations or interests such as real estate companies since it is private. The 2010 budget was passed at a special meeting of the board on December 29, 2010.

Clubhouse Committee -- Bruce Trafton reported that all the office files have been put in order. The lights in the Clubhouse were replaced at a bargain rate thanks to our director of operations. The newsboard in the clubhouse is current. The board is looking for help with this committee.

Grounds Committee -- A report by grounds committee chair Bruce Trafton was provided. Bids for ornamental flowering and evergreen shrubs will go out for work on the grounds to various companies.

Eaton Conant felt that it is important to be sure that the companies know what they are doing with our grounds. Russ Fryburg asked what the current status is on the corner of Willamette and Braeburn. The parts to the sign will be used in refurbishing it, and the accumulated leaves will be used as mulch.

Swimming Pool Committee -- Bruce Trafton reported that the pool committee will set specs about what Thomas Pool will be doing. The pool needs to be tested 2X daily in the summer. All is in good shape with the pool.

Welcome Committee -- We had two deaths this last month, Jane Doerfler in mid December, who had just moved in, and Gloria Peters, a long time resident, on Dec. 31.

Frank Gaddini knows a person (his wife) who would volunteer for the coordinator position of the Welcome Committee. The board gave consensus to have Fran Gaddini do this position. At ( ) WW, we have a new person named Ryan Keene. Beverly Bearsto at ( ) Westbrook Way will put her house on the market. 106 Braeburn is also on the market.

Old Business:
Rental of Unit 87 Westbrook Way -- Frank Gaddini reported that the townhouse is clean and pretty much ready to go. The materials in the garage will be relocated and carpets cleaned. Toni Horodysky will manage the publicity on the unit. It will rent for $900.00 monthly. Our association needs to get that rented ASAP as it is much needed income.

Reserve Study Update -- Frank Gaddini stated that Toni Horodysky and Gloria Ghermann worked on this project and they are working on the scheduled update for 2010. The work is in progress with the list of items that estimate the life of the complex and the dollars needed for the future replacement of necessary repairs and upkeep. The association needs to continue the process of the reserve study to help with long range planning. This plan was used for the budget committee, and also for projected information.
Discussion followed about the reserve study and its value.

Reserve Fund Investment Strategies --Frank Gaddini is looking into possible investment strategies.

Non-profit/Homeowners Association Audit Pursuit --The board had assigned a small amount of money to look into this. There is consensus to check on the cost of the audit.

New Business:
Meeting -- There will be a First Quarter Town hall Meeting (January 26, 2010, at 7:00 PM). This is a meeting for the whole association. It will also include a report from Frank Gaddini, our director of Facilities and Operations.

Reserve Fund Transfer -- Frank Gaddini stated that as we move into the new year we have to build up our reserve and we need to make the payments to keep current and so we can afford to do the needed maintenance, such as asphalt resurfacing. He discussed the early project payments and the possibility of releasing some of the funds in advance to pay for early repair of concrete or other needed projects. He thinks we could save 7 to 10 percent by doing it early. Bruce Trafton stated that the reserve fund is just that (reserve) and we should stick with our present budget and not attach any funds from the reserve fund. If we borrow some of the funds from the reserve fund, it is required that we get 2/3rds approval of the association. The money just does not come in fast enough for us to use this early in the year. Susan Klein voiced that we should save as much as possible by getting work done early if it will save us money in the long run. Discussion followed regarding the possibility of borrowing from the fund and paying it back as soon as possible or using another entity to borrow the money. The CC& R’s need to be followed. Discussion by the board followed regarding the budget, and how to pay for contracts that we need, and whether or not the contractors can carry the expense. Frank Gaddini stated that he would approach contractors with the idea that a flexible plan to get the work done earlier would be to the benefit of all.

Promulgation of CC&R Review Committee -- Frank Gaddini stated that the board needs to go ahead with the revision process of the CC&R’s. The CC&R’s should be revised by a committee appointed by the board and this committee will serve as an advisory to the board. The board needs a 2/3 vote of the membership for any changes in the CC&R’s.

Promulgation of Rules Review Committee -- The Rules review committee would also follow the same direction regarding establishing a committee to review these rules and the approval of any changes. Discussion followed regarding the selection of the committee, who would wish to review and do this work.

Director of Facilities and Operations Contract -- Bruce Trafton stated that we need to hire Frank Gaddini for a year as his contract was only for six months. Jon Joseph reported on the contract established to hire Frank Gaddini. There were no basic changes from the six month contract except for a small payment regarding use of his cell phone for the association. Jon Joseph moved and Eaton Conant seconded the hiring and the board passed that unanimously.

The clubhouse decorations will be taken down on Thursday, January 14, at 10:00 AM .

Next Board Meeting Time and Place: February 9, 2010 starting at 6:30 PM at the Clubhouse

Adjournment: Meeting adjourned at 8:15

Respectfully submitted: Suzy Wojcik ( ), Secretary



Winter is full upon us and our grounds take on a special “Stark” beauty. Here and there, is a splash of color as certain species of Rhodendrons are starting to bloom. Spring will be here soon.

The Grounds Committee has developed a four part approach for our Landscape Budget 2010. We will put out bids for contract on each of the following:
1. Leaf Blowing
2. Ornamental Flowering and Evergreen Shrubs
3. Lawns, Weeding Shrub Beds and Fertilizing
4. Irrigation

The Leaf Blowing part is almost finished. At this time the Grounds Committee has come to the consensus on a speck sheet that will be put out to bid. This will cover part 2; the care of Ornamental, Flowering and Evergreen Shrubs. Later, we will do the same for 3; Lawns, and 4; Irrigation.

The Grounds Committee, as always wants to thank you for your support, ideas and patience.

Respectfully Submitted,
Bruce Trafton ( )
Grounds Committee chair

Building Committee Report, January 2010
Toni Horodysky ( ), Chair

The weather, the holidays, and end-of-the-year budget resulted in a very quiet month as far as building projects. We will start planning for our 2010 construction projects soon. Roof moss removal and gutter cleaning will continue in January.

We do have two unplanned repairs on the agenda: a broken water line at 1 WW and an entire bank of lights out at 139 to 159 WW.

Edgewood Townehouse Association Website, January 2010
Toni Horodysky ( ), Webmistress

Edgewoodhoa.org had 59 visitors who looked at 80 total pages during the time period December 7 to January 4.


Operations and Facility Maintenance Report

It is a new year and a time to look forward and begin planning for the upcoming year and beyond. The ETA Board recently approved the 2010 Fiscal Year Operations Budget. We anticipate an income of approximately $xxx. We also anticipate spending nearly $xxx to pay for our day-to-day expenses like insurance, taxes, postage stamps, natural gas, electricity, etc. After paying for all of our day-to-day operation needs, we anticipate applying approximately $xxx to our Capital Improvements Projects. From this amount, we will be directing approximately $xxx to our Capital Reserve Account for future projects.

The lion’s share of our dollars that remains will be applied to re-siding projects, asphalt re-paving, and re-painting respectively. This amount represents approximately $xxx. The remaining dollars, approximately $xxx will be directed to concrete walkways, garage doors, and roof & bridge maintenance.

Throughout this fiscal year, we will be setting benchmarks while monitoring the quantity, quality, and value of work that our dollars purchase. I look forward to our progress throughout this coming year, and to begin planning our schedule of facility work for FY 2011, 2012, and 2013. Essentially, we will be proceeding slowly and cautiously this year, knowing that the immediate following years will require ramping-up the amount of Capital Improvement Projects that we pursue.
Frank ( )

[Phone numbers, e-mail addresses, and street addresses have been removed for privacy reasons.]
