F.Y.I. The Newsletter of Edgewood Townehouse Association
PO Box 5424, Eugene, OR 97405

March 15, 2009

Important Dates:

Next Regular Board Meeting: Tues, April 14, 7 pm

Next General Membership Meeting April 28, 7:30 PM

(Notices of any special board meetings are posted in the Clubhouse 3 days before date of meeting per Bylaws)

Hospitality Activities:

Saturday Morning Social: April 11, 10:30 am
By-the-Brook Book Group: Wed, April 8, 2 pm
Next Potluck: Sun, May 3, 5 pm


Association News
Board Minutes: March 10
Reports: Grounds; Building;
(No Manager's Report)
Work Order form [omitted]
Treasurer's Reports [omitted]
2008 Financial summaries

FYI Info:
Editor: Gloria Gehrman

Association News

Our current monthly assessment = $240, due on the first of each month.

Collection procedure changes mentioned in the last couple of newsletters have been tabled for the time being, pending further review and input.

In this newsletter you will find the financial reports for the calendar year of 2008, required by state law to be submitted before the end of March. Please refer all questions about these reports to Treasurer Doug Cone ( ), or President Nick Musgrave ( ).

The patio/siding assessments, needed to set priorities for this year's siding and painting projects, had been planned to take place in the last two weeks in March. Because Frank is involved with one last court case, winding down his law practice, he has been unavailable to meet that deadline. However, you may be contacted about scheduling access to your patio area before the next monthly newsletter.

Please note that the Sunday potlucks that had been occurring monthly have been rescheduled, to occur less frequently. The next one will be May 3. For more information, contact Toni Horodysky ( ).

(Communications alert: Your FYI editor continues to have problems with her computer, including the inability to send emails when last attempted. Now that this month's newsletter has been set free, the computer will be getting some attention, but if you need to make contact, please use the telephone number to the left until further notice. Thank you. -Gloria Gehrman)

Meeting of the Board of Directors
March 10, 2009

The meeting was called to order at 7 p.m. by President Nick Musgrave. Those present included Board Members Nick Musgrave, ion Joseph, Gwen Acker, Bruce Trafton and Toni Horodysky. Doug Cone, Eaton Conant, Susan Klein and Russ Fryburg were excused. Camilla Pratt and Frank Bocci were also in attendance.

Resident Forum: There were no residents present who requested to be heard.

Minutes of February 10, 2009 Board Meeting: There being no objections, and upon motion of Jon Joseph and second by Bruce Trafton, the minutes were approved as previously published in the FYI.

Treasurer's Report: As Doug Cone was not present, a copy of the treasurer's report was provided to Board members by Nick Musgrave. A Copy of the report is attached.

Manager's Report: Frank Bocci reported that Chuck Bowman has been checking on downspout and gutter problems. Some of the problems can be resolved in-house and some gutters and/or downspouts will need to be replaced. Work orders are mostly current. Toni Horodysky and Bruce Trafton have been reviewing prioritizing work orders. Siding replacement needs will be addressed near the end of March, so that a schedule for summer replacement and painting can be formulated.

Committee Reports:
Bruce Trafton had previously provided members with a written report. A copy is attached. He noted that Rexius will not be treating moss and reseeding as previously thought. That, too, is being done in-house. Clearview will be here on March 24, 2009, to continue with pruning.

Building: Toni Horodysky provided a written report. A copy is attached. Alpha Ecological is scheduled to spray for carpenter ants on March 19, 2009. Toni is doing further research on the benefits of having this done twice yearly.

Hospitality Committee: Toni Horodysky mentioned that we have no new residents. The same opportunities for social interaction with neighbors continue, i.e., monthly potluck on the first Sunday of each month at 5 p.m., coffee on the second Saturday of each month at 10:30 a.m. and By-the Brook Book Club at 2 p.m. on the second Wednesday of each moth. All are welcome to attend any and all events.

Web Site: Toni Horodysky reported that she is no longer providing a link to the web sites of realtors who have units for sale in our community. There was general agreement by the Board that the information provided, which can be accessed by realtors should be a help to them in accessing information they may need.

Unfinished Business:
Nick Musgrave brought the Board the question of whether the homeowner at 61 Westbrook Way should have been responsible for replacement of the siding in her courtyard. She has paid for it and would like the matter reviewed to determine if it was in deed her responsibility. Toni will ask Frank and/or Chuck to review the matter.

Bruce Trafton moved, Toni Horodysky seconded, and the motion carried that the matter or method of collection of delinquent accounts be tabled for the present.

New Business: Toni Horodysky will meet with Frank Bocci within the next couple weeks to determine a work plan and schedule for the work to be completed during the summer.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:50 p.m. The Board then moved into Executive Session.
Respectfully submitted,

Gwen Acker, Secretary


The Grounds Committee working in conjunction with the Buildings Committee and the President has been going through the work orders and prioritizing them. They are then given to Frank and his crew. Very few work orders this time of the year for the grounds.

The leaf fall has come and gone, the grass is dormant, irrigation is non existent and all is fairly quiet. So, we have taken a pro-active position in this lull before Spring and Summer. We have bark-a-mulched the entire Edgewood Townehouse Association except the areas along the creek and back in "the coves" on the Brae Burn side of the creek. We were advised to leave the natural leaf fall in this part of the property, by Clearview (our contracted arborist) and The City of Eugene's Urban Forestry Department. Also, we have been planting about two dozen ferns along the creek. These are ferns that we have transplanted from our own property. At the same time we have been pruning, picking up dead limbs, and clearing the creek of debris.

Now our attention has been directed to eliminating the moss growth in the grass and also fertilizing at the same time. There will be some over seeding in specific areas.

Soon, Rexius will be checking our backflow devices for summer irrigation. Clearview Tree Specialists will make their monthly visit to do their pruning of shrubs and trees and we will be doing some planting of mid level nursery stock along the creek. As we move closer to spring, we will be planting shrubbery in vacant spots in yards around the property. The steer manure will come in April and will be mixed with leaves then be spread into our shrubs. It will, very soon, be time to mow lawns, start irrigating and the whole yearly process will over again.

Again, a big thanks to the entire crew, who worked tirelessly to spread thousands of yards of bark-a-mulch on our beautiful grounds.

Respectfully submitted,
Bruce Trafton
Grounds Committee Chair

Building Committee Report, March 2009
Toni Horodysky, Chair
Beginning late in February, I started handling directly all building-related Work Requests from homeowners. I called the homeowners when necessary to get further explanation or to make appointment to look at the issue. There were no significant new problems.

I compiled a master list of gutter and downspout repairs and drainage problems and submitted them to Frank.

I contacted Alpha Ecological Company which sent notice that they will be spraying our foundations for carpenter ants on March 19. They will contact me that day so I can observe the application and discuss it with the contractor. They come twice a year since 1999. the cost is $580 each visit, or approx. $25 per building. I will compare the chemical they plan to use with recommendations from Oregon State Extension Service.

[Phone numbers, e-mail addresses, and street addresses have been removed for privacy reasons.]