F.Y.I. The Newsletter of Edgewood Townehouse Association
PO Box 5424, Eugene, OR 97405

December 13, 2008

Important Dates:

Next Regular Board Meeting: Tues, Jan. 13, 7 PM
General Membership Meeting: Tues, Jan. 27, 7:30 pm
Assessment vote: Tues, Jan. 27, 7:00 pm

(Notices of any special board meetings are posted in the Clubhouse 3 days before date of meeting per Bylaws)

Hospitality Activities:

Monthly Potluck: Sun, Jan. 4, 5 pm
Saturday Morning Social: Jan. 10, 10:30 am
By-the-Brook Book Group: Wed, Jan. 14, 2 pm


Board Message
Association News
Reports: Grounds; Manager; Building
Board Minutes: 10/28, 11/25, 12/1, 12/9
[Banking Activity and EWEB energy saving tips omitted]

Editor: Gloria Gehrman

Board Message

A safe and happy holiday season to all.
And let's get down to the news of the month.
Thank you for participating in the December 1 vote on the proposed assessment. Seventy people voted in person or by proxy. Of that number, 37 voted for the increase, 33 against. Since we needed two-thirds in favor, the assessment failed.

What do we do next?
First, the Board voted this week to raise the monthly assessment amount by the 4% allowed (Article IV, Sect 3a). That amount will be


with the first installment due on February 1. The February 1 date is because of the requirement to give 30 days notice of an increase in assessment. The precise amount is because $202 would be above 4% and $201 would lose us $744 by the end of the year -- enough to cover one of those unforeseen bills we often face.

Next, the Board will be coming back to you at the next General Membership meeting with a revised budget, supported by an increase in the monthly assessment to $240. If passed, that would begin on March 1.

Why and how?
As we have said before, the projects that face us are expensive and will not get done without our paying our fair share. Big projects, such as the completion of the siding repairs and the paving that continues to break down, have total price tags of $150,000-$300,000 apiece according to the reserve study. It projected these expenses over the next 5 years, rather than trying to pay for them with special assessments for $1,600-$3,500 -- per project.

But the reserve study also projected that we would need over $300 in monthly assessments in order to avoid special assessments. We empathize with the people voting "no" -- such a big jump is a lot to absorb. The $265 was a leap but not of the Olympic caliber the reserve study recommended. We can hope that the cost estimates in the reserve study are high, since they are based on tabulations made by national outfits that specialize in this kind of cost estimation. Given frugal and canny management, we can whittle actual costs down as much as possible - -we all hope.

However, as the majority of voters recognized, $201.76 is not going to allow us to make much progress on anything but the smaller projects, like the walkways and/or the roof maintenance that we should be doing after 15 years of weather on our current roofs.

The manipulation down to $240 is handled through the balances in the reserve accounts. If you look at your 2009 budget documents, you will notice that we wanted to budget $30,000 into capital reserves: $5,000 for a now required line item to cover possible insurance claims -- the amount of the ETA deductible; $25,000 to add to our planned capital reserves to cover future maintenance and replacements projected in the reserve study.

Although there were some end-of-year account balances figured into our income for 2009 (Remember the Brae Burn Creek fund for our now completed project?), there may very well be additional balances left on December 31. We won't know the exact amount until after our last bills are paid at the end of this month. The idea is to transfer a reasonable amount from our operating account balance, used to pay monthly bills, into the capital reserves. And to do that over the course of the year, so that our operating balances remain robust enough to handle upcoming bills.

Reading this in a summary fashion, you may experience a kind of purple haze impeding a clear understanding. We will get this into a spreadsheet format as soon as we can, which means after we know what those final balances actually are. Maybe even a pie chart. Or anything else that may make this understandable. Please let us know.

The Board has made an effort to be responsible to the needs of our community. As volunteers, we have tried to get information from reliable sources to truly assess what those needs are. We have tried to keep you informed of what we have learned. But it's up to all of us as stewards of our common property to make sure we do what needs to be done -- all of us, not just nine people on the Board.

There are currently three openings on the Board -- leaving are Michael Landes, Nick Musgrave, and Gloria Gehrman -- so anyone who would like to help guide the operations and finances of the organization may still put their name forward. Contact Vice-President Russ Fryburg.

Your Edgewood Townehouse Association Board

Association News
Pay it Forward:

As indicated above, the Board has voted to increase our fees by 4%. This requires 30 days notice and won't be in effect until February 1st. On January 1, 2009, I will be voluntarily writing my ETA check for $201.76 -- the 4% increase the Board is requesting. I would invite other homeowners to join me in support of our community, our volunteers (especially our Board), and the projects that await funding. -- Susan Smith

Community Roster Update:
The ETA roster will be reprinted with the January 2009 FYI, after the election of new Board officers. If you have any changes that you would like to see made, please let your Editor know as soon as possible. If you have email address additions or changes, please make sure they are forwarded to Gloria Gehrman. And if there is information that you would like the office to know but not shared with the entire membership, you have a couple of choices: Specify that you want the information (cell phone number for example) unpublished, and it will be placed in a separate column that is not on all printed copies. Or update your emergency form in the clubhouse so you or someone you designate can be reached in case of a variety of events that raise adrenalin levels.

Holiday Parking Reminder:
With upcoming festive occasions, please remember to use city streets and guest parking areas for all visiting vehicles. Parking along the curb on Westbrook Way, a dedicated fire lane, is not permitted as it represents a safety problem. Recently, we've had emergency vehicles needing to park as close to a home as possible so the need to keep free access has been underscored.

Clubhouse Reminders:
This is the time of year when the clubhouse gets the most use. Be sure you remember to follow all guidelines, especially turning off the lights and turning down the thermostat to 62 degrees when you leave. We're all paying that power bill. You can also help out the community by removing your garbage rather than dumping it all in the recycle and garbage bins.

Clubhouse Committee Chair, Nancy Callaghan, could use a couple of committee members to help monitor clubhouse use. She is also looking at revisions in the clubhouse rules including charges for use, so additional input would be useful, especially from those who schedule the facilities often.

ETA Snow Plans:
If there are significant accumulations of snow this winter, Manager Frank Bocci will sand areas where needed and will keep the walk to the clubhouse clear of snow. He will spread "Snow Melt" on ice-covered paths but, due to potential damage to plants, will avoid using it for snow. He does have a dozen snow shovels available for use by anyone who wishes to clear walkways near their homes.

The weatherman predicts very cold weather in the next few days, so this is a good time to check that you have frost caps on your outdoor faucets. I believe most of us have one inside our patios and one on the exterior of the building. If you need help putting one on, please call me. - Toni Horodysky.

Grounds Committee Report, December 2008
Bruce Trafton, Chair

For the good of the ENTIRE E.T.A., Frank and his crew, Toni (Buildings Committee Chair) and Grounds Committee are on the scene working together every day.

November 20th found us cleaning around and down the two large culverts on the Brookside end of the creek. Lots of ivy and blackberries. Worked the 20'-30' steep bank on both sides of the creek. We also respected the 20' each side of creek designated a "riparian zone."

We took down a tree at 170 BB with rotten core and fungi growing up 40 feet in tree - threatened buildings and people. We also took out two other trees with rotten centers and two standing dead oaks that looked threatening.

Let me add these trees had previously been pointed out by several certified tree specialists. I, as chairman of the Grounds Committee, made the call and take full responsibility.

November 2lst At the end of the 21st we had hauled up the 20-30 foot embankment all of the ivy, brush, and tree rounds. We filled a 30-cubic-foot commercial dumpster.

During the month we have talked at length with Matt Denberg. Matt represents the private property sector of the City of Eugene Urban Forestry Department. The Grounds Committee was informed that on our property:

  1. We can take out ten (10) trees a year. Dead and/or diseased do not count.
  2. There is a 20' riparian zone on each side of the creek (unless there are invasive species and/or obstacles).
  3. Concerns are (a) Trees or branches falling on people; (b) trees falling on buildings; (c) fire hazard.

After the wood lot work it was back to leaves-leaves-leaves with some pruning and dead limb removal. Leaves are being separated and turned and an organic additive will be administered to hasten their breakdown.


  • Clearview Tree Specialists will be here the 18 and 19th of December to prune and give advice.
  • City of Eugene Urban Forestry's tree and woodland specialist Matt Denberg will be on our grounds early January 2009.
  • EWEB Water Irrigation Specialist Jeff Peterson will be here early summer. He will have a team here to locate and test every sprinkler head, every control box, and test and evaluate all 5 irrigation areas where there is a backflow device and a water meter.
  • The Grounds Committee is preparing for spring planting in three or four areas, one of which borders the cemetery from Willamette to 54 WW. This area is in progress and many blackberry bushes and weeds as well as dead limbs have been removed.

Again the Grounds Committee wants to thank the entire ETA community while we forge onward in these tough economic times. Our hard-working landscaping crew -- Frank, Chuck, Trevor and Andrea -- have done a great job with the leaf fall and are close to the finish line.

Additional Grounds notes (December 2008):
Our Irrigation System:

In regard to blowing out all irrigation lines with a compressor -- It was determined that it was not necessary. In talking with Jeff Peterson from EWEB, he advised us that doing it ourselves would have disastrous results. There are no professional people in this area -- and only if we lived on the eastern side of the Cascades would the "blowing out of lines" be necessary. (Jeff Peterson is the irrigation specialist with EWEB.)

Our Wood Lot and Tress:
The Grounds Committee and myself would like to assure you that our Maintenance Manager Frank Bocci and assistant Chuck Bowman have spent a considerable amount of time working in the logging industry. Chuck Bowman has worked a number of years selling chokers, limbing trees and running the saw. Frank Bocci has also worked in the woods for several years.

The Grounds Committee has a role in the research of our particular wood lot. We are in communication with local professionals such as our yearly contracted arborist Clearview Tree Specialists and the City of Eugene Department of Urban Forestry.
Bruce Trafton,
Grounds Committee Chair

Manager's Report -- December 2008
Most of the leaves have now fallen and time necessary to collecting them is on the way down, save and except the gum trees, which have their own schedule.

Gutters and roofs are in the process of being cleaned and treated. So far, about 38 units have been done. The process is being slowed because we're finding that the gutter guards were installed incorrectly at a lot of the locations.

We're preparing for snow given the ten day forecast.

Annual General Membership Meeting
October 28, 2008

The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by President Nick Musgrave. Thirty households of the Association appeared in person or by proxy. Nick reminded members that we have three vacancies on the Board and that two people have agreed to serve. He urged others to consider service on the Board.

Manger's Report: Frank Bocci made a verbal report mentioning that there had been an extensive report in the October FYI. Frank advised how work projects of siding, painting and landscaping are progressing. He stated that he intends to make a physical inspection of each unit in the Spring of 2009, to better assess what needs to be done next Summer.

Minutes of the July 22, 2008 General Meeting: There being no objection, the minutes of the previous general meeting were approved as previously published in the FYI.

Treasurer's Report: Doug Cone, Treasurer, was not in attendance as he is presently in China. Nick Musgrave indicated that the report has previously been published in the October FYI. He further stated that 12 households have not paid the 2008 Special Assessment of $500. He expects that, as in the past, all of the assessments will be paid.

Committee Reports:

Hospitality Committee: Toni Horodysky introduced Sue Schroeder, who with her husband, Charlie, has purchased a unit. They will be moving as soon as updates have been completed in the unit. Toni reminded of opportunities to socialize with neighbors; a tea on the second Saturday morning of each month, a potluck on the first Sunday of each month, and the book group on the second Wednesday of each month.

Building Committee Report: Toni Horodysky reported that she is pleased with the progress made this past summer on siding replacement and painting. She continues to forward to Frank anything she sees that needs to be dealt with. During the winter focus will be on patio areas.

Grounds Committee Report: Bruce Trafton reported that the sprinkler system has been drained and the backflows checked. He indicated that he expects the new system of maintaining our grounds, i.e. by Frank Bocci and those he hires to help him, with not only save a great deal of money, but will also produce better results.

Pool and Clubhouse Committees: Nancy Callaghan reported that the pool has been winterized for the year. Clubhouse use is going well. The carpet needs to be cleaned professionally, but she will wait until after use for holiday parties.

Neighborhood Watch Committee: Nick Musgrave reminded residents that any change in automobiles should be reported to Ellen Ching. She keeps a record of all license numbers and should be notified if you have a new vehicle, or sell one you have registered. Vehicles which do not belong on our property can then be identified.

Nominating Committee: Clara Nistler introduced Jon Joseph, who has agreed to be a candidate for the Board,

Telephone Committee: Helen Liguori reported that Sue Jensen has replaced Pat Nugent and Lee Benton-Williams has replaced Darelle Baker on the committee.

Election of Officers: Camilla Pratt reported that a quorum was present with 29 households represented in person and one by proxy. Russ Fryburg moved and Michael Landes seconded the motion that the slate of candidates for the Board of Directors be elected by acclamation. There are two candidates, Russ Fryburg and Jon Joseph for three board positions. The motion carried by unanimous voice vote.

Unfinished Business: Gwen Acker reported that a default judgment has been entered against the homeowner who is severely in arrears. Further legal action will be taken as well.

New Business:
Gloria Gehrman reported on the Reserve Study, explaining why it had been done, and what information it gives to us. A digest of the study was included in the October FYI. Two complete copies of the Reserve Study (totaling more than 100 pages) and one copy of the Maintenance Plan are available on the coffee table in the clubhouse for perusal. They should not be removed from the clubhouse. There are also two bound copies in the office, to be used for historical record and further updates.

Toni Horodysky presented the background for the Proposed 2009 Budget, which will be voted on at a special meeting on December 1, 2008. In order to fund this budget an increase to $265 monthly dues will be necessary. She had pictures of problems noted which need to be repaired. These were made available to all who cared to look at them after the meeting.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:05 p.m.

Respectfully submitted, Gwen Acker,

Minutes of Special Meeting of the Board of Directors
November 25, 2008

As allowed in the By-Laws, Article VII, Section 2, this special meeting was called, by President Nick Musgrave. This meeting was for the sole purpose of deciding whether to implement the authority given to the Board in the By-Laws, Article VIII, Section 1 B, to exclude members who are in default on annual and/or special assessments from voting on the 2009 Annual Assessment.

The meeting was called to order at 6 p.m. by President Nick Musgrave. Also attending were Gloria Gehrman, Gwen Acker, Jon Joseph, Russ Fryburg and Toni Horodysky.

It was moved by Toni Horodysky and seconded by Jon Joseph that the authority given to the Board be enacted. This authority allows suspending voting rights of those in default, who have not brought their account current by noon on Monday, December 1, 2008. These residents would not be allowed to vote on the Annual Assessment at 7:30 p.m. on December 1, 2008. The motion carried.

Toni Horodysky and Jon Joseph will compose and cause delivery of a letter to those affected.

The meeting was adjourned at 6:45 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Gwen Acker, Secretary

Special General Membership Meeting
December 1, 2008

This special meeting was called to order at 7 p.m. by President Nick Musgrave. Notice having been duly given by flyer dated November 1, 2008 and delivered to each home. The sole purpose of this meeting was to vote on an Annual Assessment of $3,180 per household, to be paid at the rate of $265 per month.

A quorum was duly noted as 70 members appeared in person or by proxy.

The votes were verbally counted before the membership by Emma Williams and Dixie Mauer-Clemens and recorded by Gwen Acker, board secretary.

The resulting vote was 37 for the increase and 33 opposed. The vote failed to carry as a 2/3 vote of the membership present in person or by proxy was required for passage.

The meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Gwen Acker

Meeting of the Board of Directors
December 9, 2008

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by President Nick Musgrave. Those present included Board Members Nick Musgrave, Russ Fryburg, Gloria Gehrman, Bev Behrman, Toni Horodysky, Michael Landes, Jon Joseph and Gwen Acker. Doug Cone was excused.

Also in attendance were Bruce Trafton, Helen Liguori, Nancy Callaghan, Camilla Pratt, George Hull and Frank Bocci.

Resident Forum:
Helen Liguori spoke to the issue of oversight of vendors who perform work for the Association.

Camilla Pratt advised the Board of the steps she has taken with the City of Eugene regarding the noise emanating from the cemetery adjoining our property.

George Hull provided comment regarding what was promised by the owners of the cemetery and what is occurring regarding noise and the direction of the fans on the crematorium.

Minutes of the November 11, 2008 Board Meeting: Upon motion of Russ Fryburg, second by Jon Joseph and there being no objections, Minutes of the previous Board meeting were approved as published in the FYI.

Treasurer's Report: The Treasurer was not in attendance. The Report previously had been distributed to Board members in written form. A copy of the Treasurer's Report is attached. A complete year end statement will be available after Bookkeeper Tish Larsen prepares it on December 23, 2008.

Manager's Report: Frank Bocci presented an oral report. He reports that the most of the leaves have been taken care of and that focus is now on moss on roofs, gutters and downspouts. A copy of the monthly report is attached.

Grounds Committee Report: Bruce Trafton reported that the creek has been cleared of invasive plants and that dead trees have been taken down. He has spoken with the Eugene urban forester and an arborist from Clear View Trees. A copy of an expanded report is attached.

Building Committee: Toni Horodysky presented a written report. See copy attached.

Clubhouse Committee: Nancy Callaghan reported that there is once again concern that residents using the clubhouse, perhaps on a drop in basis, are turning up the heat and failing to return it to 62 degrees when they leave. It is costly to heat the clubhouse when no one is using it. Further, there is no need to heat the clubhouse more than an hour prior to a planned event. Nancy proposes revisiting the possibility of a fee to use the clubhouse for non-resident events. She will work on a specific proposal and present it to the Board.

Unfinished Business:
Jon Joseph, Gwen Acker and Russ Fryburg spoke of their visit to Attorney Sheryl Balthrop regarding collection of overdue assessments. In the past, the procedure to collect arrearage has been as set forth in Article IV, Section 8 of the CC&R's; Article XI of the Bylaws; and the Resolution Regarding Association Members in Arrears as set forth in the Procedures and Guidelines, approved by the ETA Board of Directors on March 8, 2005 and set forth in, Section IV of Home Owners Handbook After due effort to collect overdue amounts, the matter was turned over to our attorney for legal procedures to collect.

These procedures have been followed in the attempt to collect from the homeowner at [ ]. This method has proven costly. Foreclosure proceeding have been commenced by the first and second mortgage holders of the property and it appears that they are primary. ETA has a judgment against the homeowner but it is unclear if and when collection will occur.

A committee consisting of Bev Behrman, Jon Joseph, Russ Fryburg and Toni Horodysky has been formed to review and suggest alternative collection procedures and fines for late payment.

The question of a possible rental infraction at [ ] was discussed. A letter will be sent to the party handling matters for the homeowner.

Toni Horodysky moved to commence an ETA website with cost to be less than $200 per year. Jon Joseph seconded the motion. The motion carried.

New Business:
Toni Horodysky made a motion that the yearly assessment be increased by the 4% allowed by vote of the Board of Directors, increasing monthly payments to $201.76 on February 1, 2009. Jon Joseph seconded the motion and the motion carried.

Toni Horodysky moved to set a special meeting at 7:30 p.m., prior to the Quarterly General Meeting at 7:30 p.m. on January 27, 2009, the 4th Tuesday of January, for the purpose of a vote to increase the yearly assessment to be paid at the rate of $240 per month. Gloria Gehrman seconded the motion. Motion carried. Russ Fryburg wishes his "no" vote to be noted in the record.

The meeting was adjourned at 10:00 p.m.

Gwen Acker, Secretary

[Phone numbers, e-mail addresses, and street addresses have been removed for privacy reasons.]
