F.Y.I. The Newsletter of Edgewood Townehouse Association
PO Box 5424, Eugene, OR 97405

January 2015

Next Regular Board Meeting: Tuesday February 10, 2015, 6:30pm. Location: Clubhouse

Next HOA Quarter  Meeting: Tuesday, January  27, 2015, 7:00pm

(Notices of any special board meetings are posted in the Clubhouse 3 days before date of meeting per Bylaws)

By-The-Brook Book Group: Wednesday, Feb. 11, 2015, 2:00pm

Tuesday Afternoon Teatime:Tuesday, Feb. 17, 2015, 3pm

Message from the Board: HOA
Board Meeting Minutes 1/13/15


Facilities Report
Monthly Banking Activities (Omitted)

Editor: Vera Entwistle

Deadline for Feb. FYI, Feb 17


Once again, we crossed the Finish Line of the 2014 Fiscal Year (FY) and without even skipping a breath, we find ourselves setting-up at the Starting Line of FY 2015.  Our most important responsibility as a Board is to ensure the upkeep, preservation, and repair of our facilities and grounds.  To never lose sight of our responsibility to the Association, this year’s Board adopted a mission statement that expresses the core purpose for serving as volunteer leaders of the community.  The mission statement is: A Fiducial Responsibility.

In the interest of fulfilling this responsibility, the new and current Board of Directors will continue to build upon the work of last year’s Board. Notwithstanding, the Board would like to recognize three of its members who are now pursuing new adventures. Toni Horodysky, Russ Fryberg, and Sandee Jones, each served with distinction and their service, ideas, and wisdom are now part of the consciousness and rich history of our great community.  On behalf of all the members of the Association, thank you Toni, Russ, and Sandee for your volunteer service.  May your future pursuits prosper and benefit from your efforts!

Accordingly, FY 2015 promises to be another year of ambitious repair and restoration to our common property.  Our annual ongoing restoration of sidewalk replacement, siding replacement, and repainting projects are on the agenda.  In fact, we just completed approximately two-hundred and fifty (250’) linear feet of new walkway.  We also planned another major project to correct the foundation of one of our Brae Burn townhome’s garage this year.  And of course, we look forward to the long awaited new fence around the Pool Deck and Patio. This year, we will also replace twelve (12) more of our overhead garage doors bringing our total to forty-one (41) of our ninety (90) garage doors replaced with new ones.  Another improvement I am sure everyone will appreciate this year is our continued repair to Driveway #4.  Indeed, we plan to continue working on a number of groundwater repairs, irrigation updates, and deep cleaning up of our grounds.

On governance matters, the Board is completing its annual exercise brainstorming and sharing goals for FY 2015.  At this February’s meeting, the Board will identify, announce, and pursue three (3) of twenty-seven (27) goals that were generated during the exercise.  Stay tuned…!

Although we are all volunteers serving on the Board, we are also homeowners committed to improving the operation of our Association.  We each have our own ideas and concerns; but we also want to hear your thoughts and ideas to improve our Association at our first Quarterly “Open Forum” meeting, Tuesday, January 27th at the Clubhouse.  The meeting starts at 7 PM.  In the meantime, I want to thank everyone who has contributed with their thoughts, support, concerns, and compliments for making the Association a great place to live.

3 Cheers for the New Year 2015,

Bruce Trafton
President, Edgewood Townehouse Association ( )


Our parking tradition at Edgewood Townehouses has been longstanding.  Homeowners’ vehicles are parked overnight and long-term in their garages. If circumstances arise that require a homeowner to park in the Guest Parking Spaces for an extended period of days or weeks, a parking waiver should be filed with the Board of Directors stating the reasons and the time period needed to park in the Guest Spaces.

Also, to assure accessibility for Emergency and First Responders, and as a courtesy to other homeowners needing to access and egress out of their garages, avoid parking in front of garage doors. If you have a contractor working in your townhome, please advise them, as reasonably as possible given their work, to use the guest parking when working in your home.

There are three styles of meetings at Edgewood:
1) Monthly and Special Business Meetings that are “Closed Forum” to permit the Board to conduct business. Homeowners are welcome to come, attend, and listen; but as a courtesy, please be respectful, remain quiet, and permit the Board to discuss among themselves the business at hand.
2) The Annual Business Meeting, Quarterly Meetings, and posted Special Meetings that are “Open Forum” where any homeowner wishing to expound and share their thoughts is respectfully given the floor and time to do so.
3) Executive Sessions that are “Closed Door,” private and available to Board members and designees only.  These meetings are often held during the regular Monthly Business Meeting, and audience member are asked to leave to protect and ensure privacy under our privacy policies.

Preserve – Restore – Maintain
January 13th, 2015

Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at  6:30 p.m.  Board members present were:  Bruce Trafton, Jolene Baron, Jo Ann Wilson, Linda Johnson,  Michele Coney, Brian Entwistle,  Jennifer Smith, Don Pasquali and Suzi Wojcik has been excused. Also present was Frank Gaddini, ETA Director of Operations and Facilities.

The board approved and accepted the minutes of the December 9thth, 2014 meeting.

Election of 2015 Board Officers:
President - Bruce Trafton re-elected President for 2015.
Vice-President - Brian Entwistle was nominated and elected as VP for 2015.
Secretary -  Jolene Baron re-elected Secretary for 2015.
Treasurer -  Michele Coney was nominated and elected as Treasurer for 2015.

Standing Reports:

  1. Facility Report:  Written report submitted
  2. Treasurer's Report: Written report submitted
  3. Website Coordinator: Written report submitted
  4. Clubhouse Coordinator: No report
  5. Swimming Pool - Closed
  6. Welcome Coordinator: No report
  7. Hospitality Coordinator: Written report submitted

Old Business: 

  1. New Buyer/Seller Information Committee - An example of a buyer/seller pamphlet was previewed.  A test-run of the pamphlet will occur at the next realtor’s Open House. Comments solicited will be assessed at the next Board Business Meeting
  2. Association's sign discussion - Signs to assist emergency responders will be installed along Brae Burn and Westbrook Way over the next months. A Brookside sign has already been installed.
  3. Bookkeeper Contract – The Association has negotiated an annual Service Contract with the current bookkeeper for the 2015 Fiscal Year.
  4. Board Member Responsibilities – the Board adopted as its prime responsibility a Mission Statement.  The new Mission Statement adopted by the Board is, “A Fiducial Responsibility”
  5. 2014 reflections - Forthcoming

New Business:

  1. Waivers - 71 Westbrook Way - A conditional three month request for parking in overflow was granted.
  2. A proposal for a new Community Garden was reviewed. The Board discussed the matter and decided that the proposal was not in the best long-range interest of the Association.
  3. A request by the homeowner of 185 Westbrook Way to install a new window where no window exists was reviewed.  Additional information will be collected before an ad hoc architectural committee is appointed to review the proposal.
  4. A request by the homeowner of 190 Brae Burn to install a new window where no window exists was reviewed and an ad hoc architectural committee be appointed to review the proposal.
  5. 2015 Goals  - Each Board submitted goals for the new year. The aggregate of goals were reviewed and a list of the three most achievable goals for FY 2015 will be prioritized and agreed upon at the next Board Business Meeting.


  1. January 27th at 7:00 p.m. is the next Quarterly Meeting in the Clubhouse
  2. The next Board of Directors Business Meeting is February 10th, 2015 at 6:30 p.m. in the Clubhouse.

The meeting adjourned at  8:35 p.m.

Jolene Baron

Edgewood Townehouse Association Website, January 2015
Toni Horodysky, ( )

Our website, www.edgewoodhoa.org had 73 visitors who looked at 125 pages during the period December 9, 2014 to January 12, 2015.

Hospitality Report:

We had a lovely Holiday Party at the Clubhouse 12/21, which was well attended. We hope to see many of you at the Quarterly Meeting 1/27, and we will serve cookies after the meeting, and enjoy each other's company. We have new residents and Board members who have great new ideas for some new activities which I hope you will try once they get going! Happy New Year!
 Happy New Year to you all!

Cindy Conley

Facilities and Operations Report
December 2014
Frank L. Gaddini

Looking back, in December 2014 we continued routine maintenance work. We completed twenty-four (24) jobs during the month. Leaf management continued twice a week and most of our deciduous trees had defoliated with the exception of only a few Sweet Gum Trees. Even though temperatures dropped below freezing for a few days as we approached the shortest day, we did not sustain any freeze damage. Our weather included rain – and when it did rain, it poured and unleashed torrents of rain.

The ceaseless rain, drizzle, and cold temperatures placed a damper on much of our routine maintenance. Three of our sites reported roof leaking after the micro-burst downpours occurred.  We arranged for, and performed repairs to these roofs immediately.  Fortunately, no significant damage occurred to any of these sites other than mild stains on ceilings. 

Have a healthy and prosperous 2015,


Treasurer Report 
Michele Coney, Treasurer  ( )

Your new Treasurer is happy to report that financially the ETA ended December 2014 well. In 2014 we "weathered" the unexpected costs of the severe wind and ice storm damages without any delays in our capitals improvements or payments of our routine expenses. I would like to thank the board, Frank and our former Treasurer, Toni for all their hard work that made this possible. I look forward serving all of you as your ETA Treasurer and to another successful year in 2015 as we continue to maintain our beautiful park like property.

[Phone numbers, e-mail addresses, and street addresses have been removed for privacy reasons.]
