F.Y.I. The Newsletter of Edgewood Townehouse Association
PO Box 5424, Eugene, OR 97405

August 2011

Important Dates:

Next Regular Board Meeting: Tuesday, September 13, 6:30 PM

(Notices of any special board meetings are posted in the Clubhouse 3 days before date of meeting per Bylaws)

Hospitality Activities:

By-the-Brook Book Group: By-the-Brook Book Group: Wed. September 14, 2 PM

Tuesday Afternoon Teatime: September 20, 3 PM in the Clubhouse.


Safety Precautions
Board Of Directors Meeting Minutes: Tuesday August 9, 2011
Reports: Quarterly meeting; Announcement; Grounds; Pool; Website; Treasurer's
Monthly Banking Activities [Omitted]

FYI Info:

Editor: Sara Mitchell ( )


We learned recently of several unfortunate incidents affecting residents of ETA. These may serve as reminders of precautions that we can all take. One resident fell in the shower and lay there for nearly two hours before someone heard her cries for help. Her serious injuries required surgery and will require a long period of rehabilitation. Someone broke into one of our long-time vacant units through the sliding door, apparently after scaling the patio wall. The intruder left a broken lock, muddy footprints and cigarettes as the only evidence of their presence. Another resident lost a wallet and is now going about the business of dealing with banks and credit cards. We offer our best wishes to these residents as they recover from these events.

No matter your age or health, if you live alone, consider keeping a cordless phone within reach at all times, either in a pocket, passport pouch, fanny pack, or perhaps on the floor while in the bathroom, so that you can summon help quickly if you fall or feel unwell. Consider using aids such as bath mats and grab bars, and make sure your throw rugs can’t “throw you”. Give a key to a trusted neighbor or two, and update your Emergency Form found in the red binder in the Clubhouse. If you plan to be away from home, let your neighbors know, set timers for a light and radio to make your place look lived in. And while the thought is fresh, make copies of the contents of your wallet. Keep them in a safe place at home, in your suitcase for when you travel, and give copies to a family member or friend.

We do live in earthquake and forest fire country. Are your bookcases and china cabinets bolted to studs? Do you have copies of your important papers and emergency supplies ready for evacuation?

Sara Mitchell and Toni Horodysky

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Call to order: The meeting was called to order at 6:30 PM by Bruce Trafton.
Board members present: Bruce Trafton, Linda Johnson, Jolene Baron, Toni Horodysky, Susan Klein, Russ Fryburg, Suzy Wojcik and Jennifer Smith. Excused was Doug Cone. Also present was Frank Gaddini.

Approval and Acceptance of Minutes: A call to approve and accept the minutes of the July 12, 2011, meeting as published in the FYI newsletter was made by Russ Fryburg and Toni Horodysky seconded. Motion passed.

Standing Reports
1. State of Facility Report: A written report was submitted. In the 30 day cycle more than 100 jobs have been completed. An unexpected project was completed at 190 and 198 Brae Burn. New siding was necessary along with the paint project. Frank Gaddini explained the necessity of this major repair job and recommended that we withdraw funds from the reserves to pay for this work.

2. Budget Committee: The association needs between $_ and $_ to cover the extra unexpected expenses for garage doors and siding. Toni Horodysky reported that we paid more in insurance premium last year and the recent appraisal and evaluation has dropped our premium $_ this year and $_ for next year. She reported that 13 homeowners are behind in their dues this month, including one who is two months behind, another significantly behind. It is important that homeowners pay on time to allow the association to run effectively. A budget meeting was held last week and the committee looked at last year’s budget and at what could be done with a possible $10.00 increase, which would be about four percent. Spending is over the budget on our contracted labor and plumbing costs. The committee examined actual line items spent and unexpected expenses. There was much discussion about the budgeted expenses.
3. Clubhouse Committee: No report submitted
4. Architecture Committee: No report submitted
5. Grounds: A written report was submitted.
6. Swimming Pool: Written report submitted. There was some discussion regarding the use of the pool.
7. Welcome Committee: No report submitted.
8. Website Committee: Written report submitted.

Old Business
1. Reserve Study Update – tabled
2. Reserve Fund Investment Strategies - The board discussed moving the money to OCCU to take better advantage of investing the funds and to move funds from Umpqua Bank. Susan Klein moved that we move $_ out of the present location and invest it into OCCU money market. Suzy Wojcik seconded the motion. Russ Fryburg voted against the motion. Motion passed.
3. Review of window replacement and heat pump requests. Frank Gaddini explained the new NCR forms that the homeowner will use to request this work. The form eliminates the 30 day review and vests the authority with the board for approval and allows the architectural committee to work on a higher level. Toni Horodysky moved that we approve the form and the process. Susan Klein seconded. Motion passed.

The forms for replacement of windows and patio doors were also reviewed. Toni Horodysky moved that we approve the form and process for window replacements. Russ Fryburg seconded. Motion passed.

Frank Gaddini also passed out another form for request for rental of townhouses. This would fulfill the need for information for possible rental units and standardize the process. There were a few changes that were suggested on the form. Adoption of this form was tabled until the next meeting.

New Business
Parking waiver requests - Homeowners at 183 Westbrook Way requested parking in overflow or guest parking for one year in order to re-arrange the garage for two cars. Toni Horodysky moved and Susan Klein seconded approval of the request for six months. Motion passed.

Review of exterior projects - None

Ductless heat pump installation request - The homeowner at 50 Brae Burn presented the form requesting a ductless heat pump installation. Russ Fryburg moved and Toni Horodysky seconded that the board approve the request. Motion passed.

Request from homeowner to rent condo - 110 Westbrook Way requested that the unit be allowed to rent to a university student from the 15th of August for six months to one year. Toni Horodysky moved that we approve the rental. Susan Klein seconded. Motion passed.

Homeowner’s suggestions for two levels of dues - The homeowner proposed that two levels of dues should be incorporated: one level for residents who use the pool and a lower level for those who don’t use it. The board discussed this and Toni Horodysky stated that the CC&Rs require all members to pay the same level of dues. Russ Fryburg moved that the proposal be rejected. Suzy Wojcik seconded. Motion passed.

Proposed 2012 FY budget assessment increase - Tabled

Disaster preparedness - Bruce Trafton passed out information on a plan implemented by the city to prepare for disaster. A homeowner recommended that ETA get involved. The homeowner asked for the support of the board and asked to use the clubhouse for meetings for the planning. Bruce Trafton will follow up with the homeowner. After much discussion, the consensus of the board was to support this project.

Board position change - Eaton Conant requested removal from the board due to health issues. Toni Horodysky nominated Jolene Baron for the vacant position. Jennifer Smith seconded the nomination. The nomination passed unanimously.

Next Board Meeting Time and Place:
The next Board Meeting will be on September 14, 2011

Respectfully submitted:
Suzy Wojcik, Secretary ( )

Eugene Townhouse Association Quarterly Meeting

The quarterly townhall-style meeting was held July 26th at the clubhouse with 29 residents and board members present. Announcements were made including:

1. Our deck, alongside the north side of the Clubhouse, is under repair.
2. The Pool is temporarily closed. The circulating pump is being repaired.
3. Two of our driveways along Brae Burn will be repaved starting on Monday, August 8th. The driveways will be inaccessible for the week.
4. Tonight’s meeting is also an ice-cream social.

The homeowners were invited to share their thoughts about how our operation is doing.

There were questions that Frank Gaddini was able to answer including the repair and maintenance of the garage doors, the question about whether or not a small increase of dues will be enough to cover our future repairs for our aging facility, the overgrowth of weeds on the property, painting of the patio areas, and safety railings along the creek walkway.

The attendees stayed after the meeting to enjoy ice-cream and conversation.

Suzy Wojcik, secretary


From the Register-Guard Saturday, July 23, 2011
Colin Call, an ex-Marine and former Eugene bartender who’s parlayed his joy of working with people into a real estate career, has been named Realtor of the Year by the Eugene Association of Realtors.

A broker at RE/MAX Integrity, Call said he was truly shocked to receive the tribute at a luncheon on Thursday at the Eugene Hilton Express in Springfield. [Colin and his wife Angie live at __.]

August ETA Grounds Committee Report

Marlon and Son, our lawn and shrub bed maintenance contractor, will continue working on Thursdays. Sperry Tree Care’s contract does not include being on site in August, September, and October. The company will return in November and December.

We would like to welcome Jennifer Smith to our committee. She and Toni Horodysky deserve a special thanks for doing yeoperson’s work in removing a large bed of blackberry under the clubhouse bridge.

ETA residents interested in joining our committee or getting some exercise by renewing their gardening skills with low-level gardening (weed removal and very light pruning, for example) can reach me at [ ].

We generally have a brief meeting once a month in the evening.

Respectfully submitted,
Jerry Wojcik, ETA Grounds Committee Chair

Pool Report for August 2011

Summer finally has come and with it the swimmers. From the opening on June 9th, the month of June saw 80 people using the pool. July picked up, as the weather warmed further with 287 people using the pool.

We are getting a more accurate count of usage this year, as people are signing in the amount of people who used the pool, not just the owner’s name.

Two glitches disturbed the smooth running of the pool operations so far this summer. Somehow the temperature on the pool heater was moved from its normal 84 (a warm temperature for an outdoor pool) to 92 degrees at the end of July. This is close to spa temperature and way too hot for a pool. We are not sure how this happened and have taken measures to prevent its happening again. The higher the temperature, the more it costs us in heating bills. The second glitch was a broken part on the pump, which required shutting down the pool until it was fixed. All seems to be well now.
Please remember to sign in the owner’s name and then that of everyone who is using the pool so we have an accurate count of usage.

Our pool is closely set in a residential housing area, therefore necessitating that the screaming and loudness be kept to a minimum. One should not act as you might in a public pool, out of consideration to your neighbors. Everyone is responsible for an orderly, pleasant environment at the pool. Know the rules and everyone assure that they are being followed, please.

Submitted by Bev Behrman, Pool Chair [ ]

Edgewood Townehouse Association Website, August 2011
Toni Horodysky, Webmistress ( )
Edgewood Townehouse Association website, www.edgewoodhoa.org had 32 visitors who looked at 54 pages during the period July 8 to August 4.

In the past two months our visitors have included users from Portland; Reno; Sacramento, CA; Durham, NC; Saint Louis, MO; Bloomington, IL; Indianapolis, IN; Minneapolis, MN; Lansing, MI; Tacoma, WA; Tucson, AZ; Atlanta, GA; Springfield, VA; Georgetown, TX and Quito, Ecuador.

Treasurer Report, August 2011
Toni Horodysky, Treasurer ( )

ETA monthly dues are payable on the first of the month and considered late after 30 days. Thanks to all who pay their dues in a timely manner so ETA can pay bills when due. If you are not among them, please mark your calendar as a reminder to get your checks in on time. Summer is the time when we get many big (and expensive) projects completed, such as siding, painting, and asphalt. We budgeted $75,500 for capital projects this year. Our cost-effective, contracted employees, all college students, have been busy with various projects: pressure washing, drainage, sprinkler repair and landscaping, which come out of our operating budget.
The graph below illustrates how ETA spends our money.

ETA 2011 Budget in Thousands of Dollars


[Phone numbers, e-mail addresses, and street addresses have been removed for privacy reasons.]
