F.Y.I. The Newsletter of Edgewood Townehouse Association
PO Box 5424, Eugene, OR 97405

June 2011

Important Dates:

Next Regular Board Meeting: Tuesday, July 12, 6:30 PM

Quarterly General Meeting: Tuesday, July 26, 7:00 PM

(Notices of any special board meetings are posted in the Clubhouse 3 days before date of meeting per Bylaws)

Hospitality Activities:

By-the-Brook Book Group: By-the-Brook Book Group: Wed. July 13, 2 PM

Tuesday Afternoon Teatime: July 19, 3 PM in the Clubhouse.


Message From The Board
Board Of Directors Meeting Minutes: Tuesday June 14, 2011
Reports: Architectural, Grounds; Pool; Treasurer's, Website; Facilities
Monthly Banking Activities [Omitted]

FYI Info:

Editor: Sara Mitchell ( )



I would like to take a moment and recognize the efforts of the many volunteers whose generous commitment of time and effort are responsible for the success of our Association. There are many levels volunteers in our community. We have volunteers who serve on all of our standing committees:

Welcome Committee……
Pool Committee……
Website Committee…
Grounds Committee…….
Clubhouse Committee.…
Budget Committee……
Neighborhood Watch …
FYI Committee……
Architecture Committee…
Telephone Committee…
Literature Committee -- this is the group of volunteers that will be updating our Welcome Packets to ensure that our printed literature is up to date.

We have volunteers that donate their time to prune plants and shrubs… Some volunteers decorate the Clubhouse for the holiday seasons… We have volunteers who offer their time organizing the Afternoon Tea Meetings, and the Monthly Book Club, and the many volunteers who open and close the Clubhouse each day…

As you can see we have an extraordinary number of our family of 90 homeowners serving on committees. In fact, consider this … about 1/3 of our family’s association membership serve on committees that support our Association’s success…

For all this support and volunteerism, I want to thank everyone who serves in volunteer positions.
And last, I want to take a moment to recognize each Board Member who also serves as volunteers. Your commitment to volunteerism – some of you for year’s worth of volunteerism and leadership in the Association - is deeply and sincerely appreciated. As volunteer Board members, we are both legally and financially responsible to conduct the business of the Edgewood Townehouse Association – a $23 million dollar asset with over a $280,000 dollar annual budget.

Thanks to you Board, and to all who serve as Association volunteers, … for your volunteer service.

Bruce Trafton, President
( )


Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
Tuesday June 14, 2011

Call to Order at Six-Thirty (6:30) PM: Bruce Trafton called the meeting to order.
Present were board members Russ Fryburg, Jon Joseph, Toni Horodysky, Bruce Trafton, Suzy Wojcik, and Susan Klein. Excused was Eaton Conant, Linda Johnson, and Doug Cone.

Approval of Minutes of the May 2011 Board of Directors Meeting: Correction: The trees removed were from the area between 70 and 118 Brae Burn not 170 Brae Burn. Russ Fryburg moved and Toni Horodysky seconded to approve minutes from the May 10th board meeting as corrected. Motion passed.

State of Facilities and Operations Report: Frank Gaddini provided a written report. Bruce Trafton read Frank Gaddini’s report.

Treasurers Report: Toni Horodysky stated that #50 Brae Burn has a sale that is pending. One homeowner is far behind with their dues, and there is a lien on that property. Toni Horodysky explained some of the items on the P&L statement and on her written report. Another person is needed to sign checks when other board members are out of town. Toni Horodysky moved that Suzy Wojcik also be able to sign the checks. Susan Klein seconded. Motion passed.

Standing Committee Reports:

Architectural/Building Committee -- Written report submitted.

Clubhouse Committee -- No report submitted.

Grounds Committee -- Written report submitted.

Swimming Pool Committee -- Written report submitted.

Welcome Committee - No report submitted.

ETA Website -- Written report submitted.

Old Business:

Reserve Study Update -- (Tabled)

Reserve Fund Investment Strategies -- Bruce Trafton stated that we need to divide the funds up into three units, one unit at a one year term, one at three years, and one in cash of $( ) perhaps at Oregon Community Credit Union, which has better rates. We will re-address this for the next board meeting.

Requests for Heat Pumps Specs, Terms, and Conditions Review: #161 WW requested a solar tunnel and skylight. Russ Fryburg moved that we approve the 161 WW request. Toni Horodysky seconded. Motion passed. #113 WW requested windows installation. Toni Horodysky moved Susan Klein seconded these recommendations by the architectural committee. Motion passed. #186 Brookside Dr. requested installation of a ductless heat pump. Jon Joseph moved, Toni Horodysky seconded to approve the installation. This had been approved by the architectural committee. Motion passed. #141 WW wanted two stories approved for installation of the ductless heat pump. Suzy Wojcik moved and Jon Joseph seconded that we approve installation on the two levels of #141 WW. Motion passed. #136 WW requested installation of a ductless heat pump on a single level that was approved by the architectural committee. Toni Horodysky moved, and Susan Klein seconded installation at #136 WW. Motion passed. #1 WW had requested approval for a solar light tube on the flat roof. After several calls to installers, Bruce Trafton found that flat roofs could a problem for leaks after penetrating the old tar on the flat roof . The only way the homeowner could proceed is if the homeowner paid for a new roof with the installation of the solar tube. Toni Horodysky moved that the gable roof installation be approved and the flat roof installation also be approved only if the homeowner buys a new flat roof. Motion passed.

New Business:

Review of Parking Waiver Requests -- #30 Brae Burn needs to load for a trip and needs parking for a trailer, at the most for two weeks, during the summer months. #136 Brae Burn needs more time, between June 15th Sept. 30th, for parking while downsizing. #21 WW needs to park in the guest outside parking for two vehicles. Toni Horodysky moved and Susan Klein seconded to approve all parking requests. Motion passed.

Review of Exterior Project Requests -- The board reviewed a policy it is interested in, to establish a form for “unique” requests or “routine request.” The board would like some of these requests to proceed more rapidly. Since some of the benefits expire, there is a time element where the thirty days is a problem for homeowners who want to proceed with the heat pump installations. Russ Fryburg moved that a routine project be accepted at under 30 days. Bruce Trafton requested that more time be taken to consider this option. Motion failed. This will be brought up again at the next board meeting.

Repair of Overhead Garage Doors -- Each door costs about $1000 each to replace and this cost needs to be included in future budgets. The board needs to consider whether or not the association needs to cover doors that fail because of some of the older parts breaking.

Announcements -- Bruce Trafton thanked all the committee people who work so hard to keep our place to live a place of joy. He also thanked the board members for all their hard work.

Next Board Meetings Time and Place: July 12, 2010 at 6:30 PM

Next General Meeting: July 26th at 7:00 PM

Adjournment: Jon Joseph moved and Russ Fryburg seconded to adjourn the meeting at 7:45 P.M.

Meeting adjourned.

Respectfully submitted:

Suzy Wojcik, Secretary ( )


The EWEB rebates for ductless heat pumps for buildings containing 5 or more units end soon. Projects must be started by September 1 and completed by September 30. Federal tax credits expire December 31, 2011.

Architectural Committee Report

The Architectural Committee Meeting met on June 7 at 7 PM at ( ) Westbrook Way. Present were Bruce Trafton, Frank Gaddini, Simone d'Aubigné, Doug Cone, Cindy Conley, Mike Metzler, and Michael Landes.

The committee discussed request for ductless heat pump installations at 186 Brookside Dr., 141 WW, and 136 WW; skylight/solar tunnel installations at 161WW, and window replacements at 113 WW.

The committee advises the Board that they approved heat pump installations at 186 Brookside Dr. and 136 WW with the caveat that the decibel rating be below 50 decibels (that information was not provided by the home owners to the committee) and that there was not enough information given to approve installation on two stories at 141 WW, but there was for one story installation (with the same caveat as above). If installation is desired at 141 WW on two stories further information will need to be submitted to the Architectural Committee.

The committee advises that the Board approves installation of skylight and solar tunnel at 161 WW.

The committee delivered a form to 113 WW for like-for-like window installation and once that form is filled out with the contractor and Manager, the installation be approved by the Board.

The president brought forth the information that he will present to the Board that he would like to streamline the ductless heat pump process so that it is the same process as like-for-like window replacement. The committee reiterated its decision that it does not advise this as window replacement is not the same issue as a new installation of a ductless heat pump, which has many more decision variables involved and also needs the 30-day posting period stated in the CCR's.

Cindy Conley has decided to no longer be on the committee.

The next meeting of the Architectural Committee is June 28th.

Respectfully submitted

Simone d'Aubigné, Chairperson, Architectural Committee.

June Grounds Committee Report

At its June meeting, the Grounds Committee agreed that the blackberry situation should be addressed as soon as possible, not only along the creek but also throughout the entire grounds.

Marlon & Son, our grounds maintenance contractor, gave us some 20 large, sword ferns and several arborvitae from another site. They should all be planted by the time FYI is delivered.

Sperry Tree Care was on site June 13, pruning along the western end of Westbrook Way.

To encourage more residents to join the Grounds Committee, it has decided to try a more flexible meeting time and date. It has been meeting on the first Tuesday of the month in the morning at 10:00 am. We would like to try meeting in the evening at about 7:00 pm or later on any day, except Friday, of the first week of the month. A convenient time and date for committee members can be worked out via email or phone. Meetings generally last about 30-45 minutes, with an occasional walk-about at a convenient time, not necessarily after the meeting.

Those residents interested can reach me at ( ).

Jerry Wojcik, ETA Grounds Committee Chair


POOL OPENING June 9. 2011. Door combination is the same as last year.
Due to the weather, we delayed the pool opening so as not to incur the expense of heating the pool when it was too cold to use it. Hopefully, June 9th will usher in warmer weather, as is being predicted.

This summer Konrad will be attending to the chemicals in the pool and its upkeep, as well as the clubhouse. Doesn’t the deck look spiffy now that he has power washed it?

You will notice the new black chairs and tables for the pool and eating area. The old plastic ones proved too unsteady, so we have purchased these new ones. Thanks to Susan Klein and Toni Horodysky for finding some of this furniture used and in good shape.

Frank Gaddini has made many changes to the pool like updating signage, fixing the water fountain, and attending to the gate. We appreciate his vigilance in keeping ETA up to the standards that we all so appreciate.

Please remember to advise your guests about the pool rules. You are responsible for them when they use our facilities.

GET YOUR POOL USE FORMS IN ASAP please. They must be signed before you can use the pool this season.

From June 15th to July 8th, Jennifer Smith (5412-683-5058) has offered to do my job with the pool, as I will be out of town. Please give her little to do by getting your forms deposited in the clubhouse mailbox before I leave and assuring that everyone is following the rules when they are at the pool.

Everyone is responsible for an orderly, pleasant environment at the pool. Know the rules and everyone assure that they are being followed.

Submitted by Bev Behrman, Pool Chair ( )

Treasurer Report, June 2011

A significant part of ETA’s annual budget is $( ) allocated to EWEB. We have little control over electricity usage in our exterior lights, which do use fluorescent bulbs, but we have some control over electrical usage in our Clubhouse and our water bill. To reduce our electrical bills, Frank Gaddini replaced the incandescent bulbs in the clubhouse with fluorescent bulbs, installed occupancy sensors in the restrooms, and changed the thermostat to one that automatically lowers the heat to 50 degrees at night. (A gas forced air furnace uses electricity to power the blower.) These changes have resulted in cutting our Clubhouse electrical usage by more than half, from 10,700 kilowatts in the first 6 months of 2009 to 4,950 in the first 6 months of this year. During the winter months ETA turns off the water meters to our sprinkler system, a saving of approximately $600 per year.
Toni Horodysky, Treasurer ( )

Edgewood Townehouse Association Website, June 2011

Edgewood Townehouse Association website, www.edgewoodhoa.org had 85 visitors who looked at 126 pages during the period May 6 to June 9.

Toni Horodysky, Webmistress ( )

May 2011 Facilities and Operations Report
Frank L. Gaddini

This past month of May of 2011 marked my second May season and twenty-eighth month in the position of Facility and Operations Director. I continually look backwards to benchmark facility improvements and progress while simultaneously looking forward to upcoming projects and long-range planning. There have been many successful operations and projects, and there have also been some maintenance work and a few projects that have been more than challenging. Although my position is funded for only twenty hours per week, I strive to accomplish more than allotted. In addition to the facility tasks aforementioned, I am actively engaged in the many business activities that support our Association, and in this role, I am impressed! What impresses me most is the spirit of volunteerism by the many homeowners I interface with in the planning and operation of the business of this non-profit association. There are remarkable people residing among us who volunteer time, energy, and experience. Thank you for your patience and professionalism as I manage my duties and responsibilities in our park-like setting.

On grounds matters, May is a month full of natural beauty and color as many of the mature rhododendrons and azaleas burst into color and bloom. We saw a rapid seasonal greening of lawns and ornamental plants resulting from our fertilization projects. We also saw a concerted effort a poison oak abatement along the north and south creek walkways and other natural areas; much of the poison oak abatement was managed by volunteers. If you see little red flags in the rough areas, be aware, there could be a stray poison oak plant still lingering. Volunteers also helped planting infant fir and cedar saplings as well as red-stick dogwood along the creek walkways. We also installed the first of five hose outlets to our irrigation system to supply water for our walkway cleaning projects planned for this summer.

On facility matters, May saw a costly unexpected major flat roof renovation project. The renovation of this roof membrane, in the short-term will require re-scheduling some of our Capital Improvement Projects this summer; but, in the long-term, will provide a durable, long-lasting life to that portion of the flat roof, and sets a construction standard for future flat roof renovation projects. The month also saw preparation activities for the Summer Pool Season ensue. Many new signs replace outdated ones in the Pool and Picnic area, as well as, new resilient patio furniture for the area. In the Clubhouse, we installed new carbon monoxide, fire, and smoke detectors. The restrooms also had new faucets and seat covers replace obsolete and worn fixtures.

On administrative matters, the Pool Rules were updated and revised by the Pool Committee for the second consecutive year, and the Architecture Committee refined standards, terms, and conditions for exterior renovation projects. Additionally, our Association insurance carrier met on the site to evaluate and assess risk management concerns. Notwithstanding, a few minor safety items were identified and will be promptly addressed within the next month; however, as a whole, we received complimentary evaluations on our maintenance plans and attention to safety concerns.
Our maintenance and Capital Improvement Project efforts are clearly having a positive effect in the community.

[Phone numbers, e-mail addresses, and street addresses have been removed for privacy reasons.]
