F.Y.I. The Newsletter of Edgewood Townehouse Association
PO Box 5424, Eugene, OR 97405

May 2011

Important Dates:

Next Regular Board Meeting: Tuesday, June 14, 6:30 PM

(Notices of any special board meetings are posted in the Clubhouse 3 days before date of meeting per Bylaws)

Hospitality Activities:

By-the-Brook Book Group: By-the-Brook Book Group: Wed. June 8, 2 PM

Tuesday Afternoon Teatime: June 21, 3 PM in the Clubhouse.


Message From The Board
Quarterly General Meeting notes: Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Board Of Directors Meeting Minutes: Tuesday May 10, 2011
Reports: Architectural, Clubhouse; Grounds; Treasurer's, Website; Director's
Monthly Banking Activities [Omitted]
Swimming Pool Rules and Pool Use Form

FYI Info:

Editor: Dave Compton ( )


Our Association is very healthy and well managed. It is the single most important responsibility of the Board. The first quarter of this year has seen a barren winter landscape turn into spectacular colors and lush green grounds. It has also seen a number of long range facility improvements and repairs on our townhomes and grounds. The Board has been working on a number of issues also, and one of those issues is reviewing is to better organize our processing of owner requests for window replacements and new heat pump equipment. The new heat pump technology is growing in popularity as a very efficient heating and cooling system, and substantially reduces monthly electricity bill when compared to the less efficient and more costly ceiling heat which was the original heating system in many of our townhomes. The Board will be evaluating ways to help homeowners move their projects ahead systematically, and assure that the interests of member of the Association are best served. Time and technology have changed our lives and the way that we live and relate to one another. Over the next few months we will be reporting back to you with our new ideas. If you have any good ideas to share, on making our Association even better, contact any one of your neighbors serving on the Board.

Bruce Trafton, President
( )


The pool will reopen when weather permits. When you see the lounge chairs around the pool, it is open. We are watching the weather to determine when it makes sense to open. Please do not use it before the lounge chairs are out, as it will not be heated or adequately treated.
Please review the rules and sign the Pool Use Form at the back of this newsletter.

Quarterly General Meeting Notes
Tuesday, April 26, 2011 - 7:00 PM

Board members present -- Bruce Trafton, Suzy Wojcik, Toni Horodysky, Linda Johnson, Russ Fryburg, and Jon Joseph. Excused were Doug Cone Susan Klein and Eaton Conant. Also present was Frank Gaddini.

Opening remarks and announcements -- Bruce Trafton thanked everyone that was in attendance and reminded the audience that they will be the speakers this evening. He also announced that the association needs to find a replacement for the FYI editor, and the board is looking for a volunteer.

ETA Facility Director’s remarks -- Frank Gaddini, Facility Director of the ETA, reported that we are addressing maintenance items that have been unaddressed for years. Through careful planning, budgeting, and patience, we can organize our maintenance needs and begin to systematically manage our maintenance. There are two types of maintenance jobs “routine” and “unexpected.” Routine maintenance is predictable and generally occurs annually. Some examples of routine maintenance include our roof and gutter cleaning and treatment project which is completed for all townhomes; or the ten-thousand (10,000) square feet of sidewalk repair completed this January which was a planned capital project. In fact, we have completed over 170 routine maintenance jobs in this first quarter of 2011.

In addition to routine maintenance, unexpected and unplanned events occur. Three unplanned jobs arose recently. An example of unexpected maintenance than occurred this first quarter of 2011, was a rash of three garage doors failures. The garage doors failures were unique, unexpected, and unplanned; however, they needed immediate attention and had to be paid out of this year’s budget. Each garage door replacement cost approximately $1,000. Over the past forty years, ten (10) garage doors have already been replaced. Knowing that failure is imminent, we need a plan to address the remaining eighty (80) original garage doors, regularly replacing at least ten (10) per year, until all garage doors are replaced. A second unexpected maintenance job arose this quarter. Two front walkway decks on Brae Burn finally gave away to deterioration and required immediate replacement. A third unexpected event arose that was very critical. Two of our flat roofs began leaking and needed to be rebuilt immediately. These unexpected maintenance needs drain our annual maintenance budget and cause us to defer routine maintenance. Over the summer, the budget committee will be working on plans to resolve some of the long term problems that we have.

Questions, comments, statements, and concerns from the floor and membership
- People need to do routine maintenance on their garage doors and oil the cables, tracks and rollers.
- Can residents use some Edgewood Brown paint to touch up an area of loss of paint? Yes, Frank Gaddini said that was OK.
- A homeowner asked, “Can we hire someone to paint the interior of the patio area and manage it ourselves? Frank responded, it was best if the Association managed these projects.
- The association needs to stay on track with finishing the three remaining years of the asphalt resurfacing project, and once done, more money for siding projects will be available.
- We must stay on track and within the budget for 2011.
- Driveways and sidewalks are crucial to repair and staying within the plans for this repair is necessary. Three front doors have been completed, and in spite of our desire to do more front doors, emergency expense was needed to replace several garage doors instead.
- With the needed repairs, why does the monument need to be worked on? Frank Gaddini stated that it has become a hazard now and needs to be repaired. It needs to be safe and secure.
- Frank Gaddini was thanked for his dedication to our association and community. He stated that he has enjoyed working with the board and also enjoyed the personal challenge and planning with the work. Several people expressed appreciation to the board and our director for all the work done.
-One resident wished to know if it was possible to add a screen door? Frank Gaddini stated that they should give the plan to the architectural committee or to him. Then the door could be reviewed for consistency in design and color.
-One resident brought up the parking lot overflow and the vehicles parked there and reminded all that the overflow parking area is not for storage. Can visitors park their motor home while visiting one of the residents? Yes, they are welcome to park in the overflow parking lot after the resident notifies the president or director that they are having guests.
- A resident asked what is involved in the FYI editing? Toni Horodysky responded about the duties. Anyone interested should contact Bruce Trafton.
- Is there a designated sum of money in the reserve fund for roofs or other large projects that occur? Yes, we are looking to build the fund for major future projects. We are over the 10% guideline from FHA for saving money in the reserve fund.
- Do the residents wish to have an informational 1⁄2 hour sponsored by vendors from various trades for the next general meetings? Yes, the group would be interested.
- Where is the dividing line between what we pay for homeowners insurance and the association pays for it for the buildings?
- There was some discussion about planned unit developments and our association is in good shape with FHA.

Meeting adjourned at 8:05 PM
Respectfully submitted: Suzy Wojcik, Secretary ( )


Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
Tuesday May 10, 2011

Call to Order at Six-Thirty (6:30) PM: Present were Russ Fryburg, Linda Johnson, Jon Joseph, Toni Horodysky, Bruce Trafton, Suzy Wojcik, and Doug Cone. Eaton Conant and Susan Klein were excused. Also present was Frank Gaddini.

Minute’s correction: Add Russ Fryburg to excused list of board members attending, for the April minutes. Jon Joseph moved and Toni Horodysky seconded to pass minutes as corrected. Motion passed.

State of Facilities and Operations Report: Written report submitted.

Budget Report: Adjustments were made on the 2011 budget as distributed.
The budget meeting discussed the 2010 shortfall due to unexpected expenses and needed to be adjusted. See written report. Next year we need to increase our door budget and the budget to repair the flat roofs that are 40 years old over several units. Long term planning should involve patio walls also. There was some discussion about the changes to the fiscal year 2011 approved budget. Another unplanned expense was the removal of two trees at 118 BB. There is one homeowner who is way behind in the dues, and the board discussed how to take action.

Standing Committee Reports:
Architectural/Building Committee
-- Written report submitted. Further discussion under new business.

Clubhouse Committee -- No report submitted.

Grounds Committee -- Written report submitted.

Neighborhood Watch Committee -- N/A

Pool Report -- Written report submitted. Some new pool furniture was purchased for the pool area. Further discussion under new business.

Welcome Committee -- N/A

ETA Website -- Written report submitted.

Old Business:

Update on welcome packet -- The updates are still in process. This is a long term process.

New Business:

Architectural project forms review -- Policy and processing issues for unique or routine situations. (All requests are temporarily on hold.) The committee will meet again May 11th, and Board President Bruce Trafton will attend. Some of the work requested is now becoming routine, and our director and president would like to use the NCR printed forms for this work. Since the homeowner, director, president, and contractor have signed off on the work, President Trafton is requesting the “routine” projects be allowed without the 30-day waiting period. This will expedite the response to a request for work done that is commonly approved by the board. A “unique” architectural project would be necessary to hold to the 30 day waiting period.

Budget committee adjustments & recommendations to the capital budget. There is a lien on one homeowner that has been ongoing and needs to be dealt with.

Homeowner letters regarding parking waiver requests -- 185 Westbrook Way requests 6-10-2011 through 8-10-2011, and also, Sept. 12, 2011 through Oct. 12, 2011. Consensus of the board passed the request. 141 Westbrook Way requested to use the parking lot near the unit 141 for her granddaughter, who will attend summer school at the Uof O 6-10-2011 through 8-31-2011. Consensus of the board passed the request.

Swimming pool rule revision -- The form is the same as last year with the exception of rule #22. Added was the statement that personal wheeled objects are prohibited on the pool deck with the exception of personal safety devices. Consensus of the board passed #22 as modified. A pool tester for chlorine and pool maintenance for 100 days is needed for the summer.

Revisiting reserve fund investment strategies -- Toni Horodysky reported that this was discussed at the budget meeting and it is possible to invest part of our funds to be divided in 1/3, 1/3, 1/3 portions to reinvest in other areas such as CD’s, bonds, etc. There was some discussion about how to reinvest the funds and we need more input and time to make any final decision.

Next Board Meeting Time and Place: June 14, 2011, starting at 6:30 PM at Clubhouse

Adjournment: Jon Joseph moved and Russ Fryburg seconded to adjourn the meeting. Adjourned at 7:45 PM

Respectfully submitted: Suzy Wojcik, Secretary ( )

Architectural Committee Report

The Architectural Committee recommends to the Board that:

1. As stated in the Solar Tube/Skylight Protocol sheet, the CC&R required 30 day posting period starts at the time when the chairperson of the Architectural Committee receives and posts the schematic and specs of the proposed changes. (The posting of the schematic and specs of products does NOT denote approval of the project).

2. All request for changes needs to be either emailed, mailed or delivered to the Chairperson of the Architectural Committee or if left in the office of the clubhouse, delivered to the Chairperson of the Architectural Committee.

3. New or replaced Screen Doors need to have straight lines, be simple in design, and be brown in color (or paintable). If there is uncertainty the proposed choice can be run by the Architectural Committee.

4. We would like added to the protocol in the General Area of the Solar Tube/Skylight Protocol that there be no flatroof installations of any sort allowed. Our investigation of flat roof installations has informed us that the libility of these to ETA could be costly.

5. RE: #1 WW's request for solar tube installation. We recommend that the flat roof installation NOT be allowed, but that she be permitted to go ahead with the other two. (See #4)

6. The Architectural Committee would like to reiterate the need for CC&Rs and established protocols will be honored in all areas.

Thank you, The Architectural Committee

Simone d'Aubigné
Chairperson-Architectural Committee, ( )

Clubhouse Report

The use of the clubhouse has been light but I'm sure it will pick up as summer approaches. If you think you might want to plan an event, reserve early.

The Clubhouse Committee also needs a couple of volunteers for unlocking in the mornings. It would be nice to have a couple more folks who would be available for vacation relief. Anyone interested in helping out? Please call Bev Day at 541-686-0648. It's an easy way to participate in our association.

Bev Day, Clubhouse Committee Chair ( )

May Grounds Committee Report

The Marlon and Son Co., who has done ETA’s lawn and bed maintenance for the last two summer seasons, has been contracted again for this year and will be doing 19 site visits from the weeks of May 1 through Sept. 9 on Thursdays. Sperry Tree Care, our pruning company, worked along the north creek area, between the creek sidewalk and Brae Burn residents patios during their April visit. In its May visit, Sperry will finish working in that area to Brookside Dr. In June and July, it will be doing maintenance south of the creek, particularly along Westbrook Way. The irrigation system has been checked out and approved and is ready for use this summer. We purchased 15 evergreens (deodars and blue spruces), two-three feet in height, for the princely sum of $1 each. They were planted primarily to provide screening along the south bank of Westbrook Way and near the ETA sign on the corner of Willamette and Brae Burn. The small, red flags stuck in the ground on the site indicate poison oak that has been treated.
Respectfully submitted,

Jerry Wojcik
Grounds Committee Chair, ( )

Treasurer's Report, May 2011

ETA’s major expenditures during April included planned siding replacement on BraeBurn, but also replacement of one garage door. This was the third garage door replaced this year. During the recent meeting of the Budget committee, we discussed the need for increasing next years budget for garage door replacement.

Toni Horodysky, Treasurer ( )

Website Report, May 2011

Edgewood Townehouse Association website, www.edgewoodhoa.org had 55 visitors who looked at 99 pages during the period April 7 May 5.

Toni Horodysky, Webmistress ( )

April 2011 Facilities and Operations Report

April at Edgewood Townehouse saw both chilly days and warm days. We saw spectacular weather events occur daily. Rain, then sunshine, then rainbows, then clouds cycled through each day. Maintenance also ran through cycles as we defended ourselves from the annual woodpecker intrusion at three different homes. Fortunately, we engineered solutions that distracted and re-directed the squatters out of our community. The month also saw two of our townhome along Breaburn have their patio walls resided. An unexpected failure of another overhead garage door along the Westbrook Way corridor occurred and it was replaced with a new metal insulated door. Two roofs in the BreaBurn area manifested leaks and we affected temporary repairs to protect the homeowners’ property.

On the grounds, we fertilized the lion’s share of our rhododendrons and azaleas. We also applied granulated gypsum and fertilizer with moss control to our lawns. The most significant grounds job was the removal of two pine trees along the north bank walkway.

One pine had fallen because roots uplifted from the over saturated wet conditions of the soil; and the second pine was removed as a precautionary measure.

If you have any special maintenance concerns, call me. I can be contacted at etadirector@email.com or at 541.915-2524.
Have a peaceful Spring!

Frank L Gaddini, Facilities and Operations Director for Edgewood Townehouse Association ( )

[Phone numbers, e-mail addresses, and street addresses have been removed for privacy reasons.]
